It's really funny how Butter Barn Hoedown by itself completely demolishes anything from Friday Night Funking (I don't respect it enough to name it properly).

This review was written before the game released

I don't need screenshots. I don't need demos. I don't need trailers. I don't need footage. I don't need a release date. I don't need a summary. I don't need any kind of information. I already know this game is the rawest game to ever drop this decade.


This is only getting the extra half star because it's charming and has nice music but otherwise this game ruins lives. What the hell were they thinking?

This shit goes bananas and bonkers.
Also check this out

Rocko carries the weight of the world on his shoulders. No Shredder? No Rango? We do not care.

Gordon Ramsay once asked me how I prepared my dish. I answered "Starfy" and he got pissed off. He knew it was raw.

Wonderful game with an all timer final boss but if I hear So Much More one more fucking time

Ok well now that the main story is done it's time for a REAL review. Unfortunately, regrettably, and even tragically, this game was not the best game ever made. It wasn't even in the top 20 best games ever made and I can't even say top 25 or top 28.

There's a lot of very nice looking planets and areas. But the biggest most shocking moment about this game is that there is a whole lot of NOTHING on them. It's very sad because the planets look really nice but unless you like walking into empty caves or running into the same outposts and labs there's nothing to do but take in the scenery. It is very good scenery but Im playing a game not an interactive documentary come on Bethesda Western Game Studio.

The characters are pretty boring. I can count on one hand the amount of characters I thought were fun or interesting to talk to. The smuggler who took one of the Artifacts in his big ship full of treasures is fun, Vasco is the undisputed Greatest Of All Time, and the Adoring Fan is incredibly funny. Otherwise they're just people, and theres not a lot of interesting or memorable traits about them. This might change with side quests though so we'll see if they're hiding any intriguing and life changing characters.

Main story was alright but the latter half is definitely much better. For most of it it's a repetitive journey of finding Artifacts in the same caves surrounded by evil aliens or pirates, but a few times it was pretty unique. The collector ship was fun and the whole shifting lab was awesome and the highlight of the game. The final battle is pretty cool too and I think the ending is interesting as well without going into detail. Finding powers sucks though cause its all the same walking to the temple for 5 minutes doing the flying into shapes thing and getting the power.

As an RPG Im gonna use the word alright again cause it really is alright. The character customization is pretty good and I like the different skills, but its really just a lot of "you're better at doing this now by 10%" rather than actually gaining new abilities or bonuses to your character. I also wish there were more interesting traits because theres a good chunk that are just "youre a part of this group". Theres good stuff like your parents or the Adoring Fan or having a house but not really many silly ones that made gameplay more interesting like in Fallout. They should've had a Wild Wasteland or Jinxed equivalent if you ask me. I'm glad that certain skills and backgrounds play a part in dialogue choices but I don't see it that often. Once more I have to say maybe in the side quests we'll see if this changes.

The main group Constellation is quite boring and it's worse because the game forces them on you. You have to join their group, you have to participate in the meetings, you have to feel sad if something tragic and drastic happens to one of the members, you have to have them as companions when you go somewhere. I think it would have been a lot cooler if you could start your Artifact search solo and pick a faction to allign with if you wanted, Constellation being one of the possible choices of many.

Gameplay is pretty good though. Gunplay works well enough and there's a lot of varied weapons to toy with. The physics engine is very silly, and the space powers are awesome, especially anti-gravity. Personally I shot people in the face with a shotgun or beat them up unarmed.

Ship combat is okay but it serves its purpose well enough. The travel is really annoying when you're going to a new place but at least you can instantly fast travel if you go to a place you've been before. I dont care about outposts or crafting I never did that dumb crap

In conclusion it appears this game might actually have been one of the worst games ever made looking back on it, but I had a lot of fun and good times so I will give it 4 stars. I did very very little side content so If it is really good maybe Ill bump it up but only time will tell. Have a great day Todd and to you as well.

Zin carries. Whether you like him or don't like him, there's nothing you can do about it because he's number one.

Otherwise I have to say it's an epic adventure for the ages and fun to finish in the leadup to Drake's upcoming album "For All the Dogs" releasing October 6th. I will be thinking about this game quite a fair bit while I listen to his new music.

This is much better and has surpassed the Paper Mario legacy.


That's right guys it really is that good and no one was overhyping it even after 23 full and eventful years of people playing.
Bravo to Jesus Christ Denton and his Day Of Sex.

That's it. It's over. All done. That's a wrap. We're through. No more. Gone. Bye bye. See you later. Don't talk to me. The end.