There's a few games that as soon as I opened them for the first time I knew I was going to get a masterpiece and this was one of them.

Feels nice to play but also Architect is annoying and also it's so so hard.

Rest in peace Fahmi. You left us too soon. Thanks for this amazing game. You're an inspiration to gamedevs like me.

I've only played 2 lives, but this game is really beautiful. Most of the people I've found are really nice and it really does feel like being born in a family.
First time I was born, my mom taught me to make bread. I had one son and one daughter. I didn't have much of a relationship with my son until later in my life, but my daughter was always by my side. She also had 2 daughters. When I died, everyone was there. My second granddaughter had been born and Anna (my daughter) named her in honor of me.
Second time, I was born to a farmer who taught me how to plant corn. She was always by my side but sadly ended up dying. I kept her corn farm running. Then, she showed up, reborn as my grand-niece.
The game is a bit hard to learn and to control, but it's still a really cool idea and very interesting.

I mean it's a game about being a ninja capable of slowing down time what else do you want?

I miss this game so much it was so fun.

I once played as Unregistered HyperCam 2 and it was actually really well designed.

You can spin in circles while riding a horse. And that's pretty much it, I haven't played it in a long time.

idk the developer seems kind of bad

Never has a game made me cry like this one.

The only thing I miss from my PS4. The combat is so fun, the movement really does make you feel like Marvel Spiderman (2018) and the story is great too.