Very fun with a great story. Feels a bit bland at times. Games feels clunky with slow menus lots of loading zones and weird recoil.

Really fun game sells the fantasy of flying around with Omni-Directional Mobility Gear. Story was ok, gameplay was amazing, and upgrades were neat but nothing amazing.

Not a huge fan. Was bad at the combat and just didn't feel like picking it up again.

Fun for the first few seasons. Kind of bored of it now.

Great game with some great visuals and music. Not much of a progression system.

Great game while it lasted. Overwatch 2 just doesn't compare.

Kind of grindy with fun combat. Not much of a story and feels a bit bland.

Amazing game with a great story and music.

Very fun game with a good story, great gameplay and exploration.

Not everyone's cup of tea but definably one of my favorites.

Very well-done game. Even for someone who plays fighting games very casually.

Fun game but I'm really not that into Pokémon.

Not a big Pokémon fan but this game was really enjoyable and simple enough to understand.

Super fun. Love the open world and exploration aspect to the game.