Add a map so backtracking is more enjoyable and delete all enemies' grabs or make them way more telegraphed. Those two things would already improve the game a lot for me, i do like exploring and fighting, the paladin is cool so the game is good.

Over 20 gb of space for cabaret and no new game plus wtf rgg? This game pissed me off before even starting it.
The story has pretty dumb moments when you think about it but at least the finale was a cool sendoff to Kiryu and the old Yakuza games.
The combat is fluid when dealing with thugs and there's some cool setpieces, especially the final one, unfortunately i don't really like their new boss design which started with the Dragon Engine, just tanking and stacking damage upgrades and gear is not very fun gameplay, and yet it seems the intended way to fight bosses considering they all have hyper armor and your combos costantly get interrupted. It's telling that they tried to recreate bosses from Yakuza 2 but they're not as good and infinetely more jank than in that game(2006 btw). Heat actions are also still lacking in both quantity and quality.
The sidecontent ranges from fun stuff like the coliseum and a few standout substories, to fetch quests and mindless goons beating. Unfortunately this bleeds in the very expensive upgrade system which requires you to actually do all those filler quests, combine that with the lack of new game plus and it completely killed the replayability this game could have had.

Finished the game with ending e, d, b and then a, i can safely say this is one of a kind. I love that feeling of terror of being a fairly regular human going against messed up enemies and monsters. The dungeon keeps being misterious and dangerous even after a few runs cause it changes between three or four different layouts.
The four different protagonists you can pick from are so cool too, they all have different stories and motivations and i found them all pretty compelling, especially since you're gonna most likely run into them in the dungeon.
The only reasons this is not 5 stars for me is that the ending section can drag cause you have no clue what you need to do at first. Also some enemies you supposedly kill can still attack and finish their turn and then die, that's annoying with how punishing this game is, it seems like there are quite a few of these oversights and glitches but i don't think they affect the game too negatively. What i dislike the most about the gameplay loop though is how much of your run is truly dependent on rng loot, there's a ton of it and it's mostly garbage.
That said i will definetely keep playing this game in the future cause i wanna see all the endings and the game is fun to figure out.

Campaign is a bit short but the missions are all pretty fun, the arena is great and making it part of the story elevates it even more, plus you even get bonus content with the second disc which i'll save for when i get the urge for more 1v1.
Arguably the best ps1 Armored Core.

The addition of the arena and the new parts are cool, otherwise this is the same as the og with a worse story. Not bad though, i still recommend it.

Had a blast with this game, love the robot customization, i made one with quad legs , machine guns for arms and back laser cannon, it was fun but damn the poison mission and especially the final mission were really hard.
Also really cool that there's a narrative going on in the background where you work for both sides.

Makes me feel bad about not having friends

This game's combat is good, everything else is awful, the writers in particular suck, you can't even skip the cutscenes or the slow walking segments so i never want to touch this game again, it's certainly a far cry from the epicness of the greek games.

Played this way more than i should have but it was neat

The concept is cool but the game gets repetitive very quickly, it's a free game though so i can't complain too much

This game is fucking hard and Family Guy sucks

Cool mansion design, satisfying puzzles to solve and quite a good variety of monsters to face.

I'm never getting into a truck again

I liked how they show Kratos's doubts and softer side more in this one, i didn't like how undercooked Deimos was.
Here is definitely where i started to get tired of the same GoW formula, especially coming off the absolute blast that was GoW 3, so i'll rate this one lower.