Fun game with lovely background art and music, i find it very hard to find flaws with it.
Edit: i rated this version cause all the expansions were free so this is the most complete experience

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The good:

-Combat is the best part of the game, it's so much fun that i literally always stopped to fight random encounters which is telling. The way the styles are all useful and they complement each others is wonderful;

-Story is really good in how it handles the contrasting beliefs of Yagami and Kuwana, they are compelling characters to listen to;

-The sidecontent is great and varied, a lot of time to be spent here, boxing and robotics in particular were cool additions. I also felt like the side cases were better? Maybe it's just because there was way less tailing;

-The music is great as always.

The bad:

-Climbing/stealth/tailing are all so boring and they only serve to bring down some of the combat levels for me. They are an improvement over the constant tailing missions of the first game at least.

-Might be an unpopular opinion but i don't think this game has many good bosses, Kuwana and Soma are the only great ones, i don't like fighting Akutsu or Tesso very much and most of the game is filled with RK members with reused movesets disguised as bossfights. The same can be said about the long battles, only the final one was up to the standard of the older Yakuza games.

-They did my man Hoshino dirty, someone on the writing team really hated him or they wanted to make Saori look more competent idk but it feels like they shit on him the whole time. For a game that is so focused around stopping bullying, it sure didn't mind having Hoshino being bullied. Also it breaks my heart a little he and Saori never got together.

-Having two Saori sections, why? In the first game you also played as her twice but it was unexpected and kind of cool, you can't make it work every time, i just found it boring here.


I've reached the final level but i don't think i can push myself to the finish line anymore.
I like action games quite a lot and yet i couldn't enjoy my time with Sifu unfortunately, it's a mix of me not liking the progression system and the dodge. In my defence the game also does a terrible job at explaining its mechanics, the dodge is basically meta but you most likely won't know until you search for tips on the Internet which is something i try never to do.

It was alright, lacks most of the charm from the first game and Max's monologues aren't as memorable

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After liking The Witcher i was left really disappointed and frustrated by this one.
There are so many bugs(some even forced me to reload my save), a terrible combat system with unclear hitboxes, enemies blocking even before they take out their swords and many other problems to complete the frustration like rewards showing on the screen for less than a second or the fact potions only lasts 10 minutes and they run out even during dialogues, which could be fine if you could drink them during the combat but you can't even do that(i'm aware the intent was to make it similar to the books but it wasn't implemented well).
Even the story i didn't like, it doesn't make any sense why Letho fights you or at the end i didn't even realize i was making a choice between saving Triss or chasing Dethmold, it makes no sense since there are other quests you do in the third chapter which are way more time consuming than that. Plus there was a similar section at the end of the second chapter where you could do both options.
It's clear a lot of effort was put into the game since there are pretty different sections based on the choices you make but i feel like they were too ambitious, cause some things changing don't even depend on your choices but they just have to to fit with the scenarios they've written. Maybe they should have refined those aspects of the game instead of the shiny new graphics and all the setpieces.
I'll finish this rant by asking what the hell was the point of letting me import my Witcher 1 save if my choices barely made a difference and all my legendary tier equipment turned into crap?

Don't like the gameplay nor the artstyle

I tried playing this at first and i really did not like it, the weird combat system and the pretty bad prologue did not help but it's one of those games where if you stick with it, it gets a lot better. You get used to the combat and it can even get fun at times, while the quests, the choices and the atmosphere are all on point(not perfect but pretty good). I really like how this game handles cutscenes, they're used sporadically but always help to set the tone and they are more generally always cool.
The ending is absolutely amazing but i don't want to spoil anything.
As for the negatives , i feel like the locations and quest design are a bit annoying cause of how much walking around they require. I'll also only half mention the combat as a negative cause as i said i don't think it's that bad but it's certainly not amazing either.

Angry man is angry and epic bosses are epic

It's a really solid game, story is good, music is good but my favorite aspect of the game is the combat, it's stellar and the bosses are dope.
I wish you got the customizable style sooner cause it's a lot of fun.

What a legendary game, every aspect of it is so great, i'll try to elaborate a little bit:

The gameplay is absolutely fantastic, you get the usual take down guards or sneak past them but this time you get to use camoflauge, especially helpful when crawling through grass. At the same time though you also need to worry about the fauna, surviving in the Russian jungle is an integral aspect of the gameplay, you need to keep eating animals but being careful about poisonous ones, that moment when you're swimming in the swamp avoiding crocodiles and then getting rid of the leeches attached to your body was what sold me on this new aspect of the game, it's really well done.
I need to mention the bosses, it's crazy how many different ways there are to defeat them, they could probably be the deepest bosses in terms of mechanic i've ever fought. More than that, a lot of them are great setpieces too, my favorite has to be the final boss, the main theme playing after five minute pass, the arena being cool, but most of all the story behind it.

I honestly don't know what to say about the story, it's just amazing, maybe the first couple hours are a bit rough cause there's a lot of setup and introductions but it all pays off so well in the end, the final stretch of cutscenes is insanely satisfying, every question gets answered. The story is also full of emotions, i had shivers during the whole ending, it really hit hard.

Finally i have to mention the music, not only in how good it is but how well it is used in game and cutscenes, the most obvious example being the ladder, you know the one if you played the game.

I will be thinking a lot about this game in the future, that's for sure.

Skill checks being chance based is annoying as hell, otherwise a great, really immersive game, i loved all the skills and how much character they had, Kim is a real bro.

Nowadays it's cool to love the fifth gen, i didn't find this all that amazing, i don't like the starters and most of the pokemon, the only really cool one i can think of is Hydreigon. I gotta say i love the sprites though, way better than the 3d from 6th gen onwards.
The different version of the same game was always a scam but the differences between Black and White are actually cool, there are videos about them, go look them up.
The majority of the game is mid but i really liked the finale, it was kinda epic.

I'm one of the few people who liked this game. I'll admit i haven't played the first one though, but seriously it was somewhat fun

The Dragonslayer feels great and bosses can be quite good, the stages are stinkers though. I would only recommend this to a Berserk fan.