Most pointless game ever made I think. Why is it a tetris game? Why is it just a fart version of dr mario? We will never know.

Carried by an unbeaten atomsphere. Gameplay isn't as bad or le clunky as people say it is, but it's bogged down by repetitive enemy types. Story is fairly run of the mill occult affair, but it's themes and plotpoints are conveyed in unique ways.

Absolute blast, I had more fun with this than any other shooter I've played for a long time. I only wish it was longer; the many difficulty levels don't really make up for the short list of content. Makes me realise how much I wish there were more gun-fu games.

not le cthulu! nononono!! le heckin cthulu jellyfish boat is gonna get me arrggghh!!!

doesnt offer much past it's style (which is touched). dno maybe I'll come back to it eventually.

ah dood... TWELVE TANKS?! Ah jeez dood I got pinned by the hunter bro I got these pills I'm payin for I cant restart the generator

Probably the most soulful and relaxed RPG sim I've ever played.

Very quickly goes from soulful and fun to fartful and dumb (LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD)). very powerful of them to have a tractor beam that grabs enemies and do nothing with it. very powerful of them to have one of the shittest power ups in the game right in front of the second to last major boss. only up side is being able to respawn infinitely so you can grind it out in probably less than 2 hours.

Almost perfect but Melania gave me horse blowjobs in h*ll (I beat her btw).

based brainrot cerebral hemorrhage game