Surprisingly fun. Play it online with randos or friends instead of using the puppet switching mechanic.

I just wish this was base game. It has content that really fleshes out the core experience, while also feeling kinda padded in the middle in order to justify your 20 dollar purchase. I still say its definitely worth your time.

The Wii's swan song and indescribingly incredible game. Yeah yeah wah wah motion bad, shut up, I'm having too much fun swinging my sword around to hear you. Dungeons, peak. Lore, peak. Combat, peak. Characters, peak. Story, peak. I sweat, I schemed, and I cried.

It's just a good ass Zelda game, man.

It's pretty good. Platforming is just kinda standard though, which clashes with sonic's controls

Special stages and the final boss genuinely ruin this game. Outside of that, it's fine.

It's peak!!!! The definitive way to play the definitive Genesis Sonic.

It's pretty good :) Has a few blemishes, but I'd still call it a good game. I think a remake has the potential to be a full 5 stars.

Mech Bad. Translation wonky. Half the hunting stages bad.

Everything else? Sonic at its absolute best.

If this were just the stages as they are, this would be unironically great. But there's lots of padding, and its all bad, all of it. Just the worst. I don't want to spend 30 minutes in robot carnival or finding hermit crabs, just lemme play the game :(

Honestly mad underappreciated game when played on modern hardware. I recommend emulating this and making save states right next to each each special spring for quick resets if you want the best experience. I get how those special stages would be frustrating when played on original hardware, but with an actual working backlit screen, they're really not that bad. The multiple playable characters feel the most fleshed out it ever has in the series, and the game is just fun to play. Gonna put a target on my back and say that I genuinely enjoy this more than the first two genesis games. A worthy successor to Sonic 3K.

Every time I try to play this game I get stopped on the second level. Screen crunch makes the level design feel really obtuse and hard to follow. I'm curious to see if a widescreen remake that showed more of the screen would help this game. Advance trilogy remaster please sega.

Yes, the hub world feels a bit obtrusive on replays, but on the first go around, its fine. I love the tag team mechanics in this game a lot. A very fun game when viewed top to bottom.

Sometimes, the style IS the substance.

I got pretty far into this game, but never made it past the submarine level. I really respect the attempt to deliver a more fleshed out experience, truly I do, but instead all the additional content feels more like its getting in the way and tampering with the perfect simplicity of the original. Also, no Hideki Naganuma is an entire star removed on its own. It can't be understated how much his music carries the first game.