Ace Attorney Games Ranked

Ranking every single Ace Attorney game. I consider The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles to be the best Ace Attorney experience, but for the sake of this list, I separated DGS and DGS2.

I consider this as one single experience with DGS1, but most of the meat of the storytelling, character arcs, and everything in between is right here. The best main cast to date with a compelling story the whole way through. I didn't hate a single character. The music is on another level and enhances every scene of the game. Great use of previously established new gameplay mechanics. I wish I could say more about this, and I have in my review of it, but it's just so amazing in every way there won't be much variation in my constant spewing of words. Simply put, this is the perfect Ace Attorney game.
I consider this to be one single experience with DGS2, but this is still the lesser of the two games. It does a great job of setting everything up for DGS2 to be the greatest game ever, but also has a fair amount of it's own admirable aspects. It has no trouble thrusting you into this magnificent world that you learn about right along with Ryunosuke. The first three cases are very unconventional for the standard Ace Attorney game, but doing new things at every turn is a big strength in my book. Although not fully realized until DGS2, the characters are great and so is the story. The music also lends itself to putting you right in this game, fitting every scene perfectly and doing nothing but immerging you. Although it's mostly set up for what's to come, it's not bad set up by any means and offers itself as it's own enjoyable experience.
If I could legally marry a video game, this would be the game. Although not the best game overall, this game easily has the best set of the cases to date; The Inherited Turnabout is best case in the series (barring DGS2). I absolutely can't get enough of these characters, not a single one being bad. Raymond Shields, Sebastian Debeste, Justine Courtney, and many more are all great additions to this world. Logic Chess is a really fun way to spice up the gameplay. The music also goes hard, being my personal second favorite soundtrack of the series. Everything about this game is damn near perfect, and the only reason it's not the best game is because two other games took what was great about this one and went even further.
I couldn't ask for a better way to close off such a magnificent trilogy. Every case here is good, including the filler cases. The story wraps everything up nicely while adding new elements to the mix, all the while not going back on anything promised from previous games. A great cast of characters, great visuals and music, and a perfect story. Phoenix gets his arc wrapped up nicely and Godot takes the spotlight for being one of, if not, the best character in the series. Even though there are games after this, Trials and Tribulations will always mark the end of an era for Ace Attorney.
The game that set the ground work for the rest of the series also turns out to be incredible. Great character growth from Phoenix and Edgeworth, a simple, but investing story, and a killer soundtrack to boot. There are some issues I have with Turnabout Sisters and Rise From The Ashes, mainly, the former being way too tame for the events that actually occurred and the latter being a bit of a mess in terms of the game's canon. It's also way too long. Aside from those complaints, this game is great, and I don't have much more to say on it since it's very simple at it's core.
JFA if it was actually good. Apollo finally becomes a character in one of the most riveting cases to date: Turnabout Revolution. I love the whole foreign aspect to this game and how time is taken to explore the culture of Khura'in. The music does what JFA tried to do (in terms of the spiritual vibe) but goes all out with it. The overarching story is great with a bombastic ending, but the two filler cases (DLC case is also filler but it comes after the events of the story) left a lot to be desired. Dhurke is literally a top 3 character for this entire series and gives this game a big boost all on his own. Some forgettable characters here and there, but overall, a great entry to the series, and is just what the modern trilogy needed.
The only noteworthy case here is Farewell, My Turnabout, but it's so good that JFA isn't the worst game. I absolutely hate the first and third cases, while the second case is decent, but everything this game is about is packed into the fourth case. Literally everything good about this game is in this case. Great characters, a deep and interesting conflict, tied together with great moments from Phoenix and Edgeworth. Outside of this case though, it's kinda bad. The music is easily the worst in the series, too. I personally enjoy some bits of Turnabout Big Top but I know most people don't. The worst part about this game is that the final case is so good that you can't skip this game.
What a mess of a game. Great visuals, an AMAZING soundtrack, and a great cast almost gone completely to waste because of the story. Everything surrounding this "Dark Age of the Law" is pretty funny, honestly. So, a defense attorney forges evidence and a prosecutor commits murder and NOW the law is thrown into disorder? What about the murderous Von Karma who forged evidence for literally every trial he was a part of? Why didn't that spark a dark age?

Anyway, the three main protagonists all suck a bit in their own right. Phoenix does nothing for his character here, in fact, they backpedaled on his skill as an attorney. Apollo doesn't get the main spotlight for some reason. His conflict with his friend being killed is not given nearly enough time to develop. Athena also gets very rushed development. Everything involving her and The Phantom is some of the stupidest stuff this series has done. I'd say this game is barely playable enough, you got some solid cases ignoring the overarching story and a great supporting cast.
I haven't played this game lol.
The most mediocre Ace Attorney game. Unlike AJ with it's constant highs and lows, this game is pretty mid throughout. Sure, it has its own highs and lows, but those are barely comparable to even the worst game's best moments. The story of the smuggling ring is pretty muddled as the Yatagarasu also gets involved and the final case drags on for way too long. The cast is alright, I really enjoy Edgeworth, Kay, Gumshoe, Lang, and especially Badd, but nobody else really stands out. The gameplay is a nice spin on the AA formula, allowing you to move around and investigate. It still keeps the core gameplay intact which I appreciate, making this feel like a simple evolved version of AA. The visuals and music are great, I love the more classical approach to the soundtrack because of Edgeworth's character. There's not much else to say about this game. It's not bad, but it's not really good either. Nothing stands out other than maybe the fourth case. The cast is ok, the story is ok, everything is just ok. You could honestly skip this one if you wanted, it has almost no direct correlation with AAI2.
I don't really wanna say this is a bad game, but it's definitely a bad Ace Attorney game. An uninteresting protagonist with an average supporting cast. The game is about Phoenix Wright when it should be about Apollo. However, those parts that are about Wright are some of the best cases in the series. Meanwhile, the other two are, in my opinion, the two worst cases in the series. The art and music are obviously great, and it is able to stand out and have it's own identity, but this game really suffers from a lack of focus on the main protagonist. Still worth playing if you're a fan of the series.

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