Please get a sequel please please please

Nothing here!

Probably wont ever happen but it would be awesome to see.
Again, not necessarily a sequel, but i really hope Frictional takes this formula and does more with it.
I want more Amnesia + Alien Issolation + classic Resident Evil.
Not necessarily a sequel, but a new game from Crowbar Collective. seeing as how the Xen chapters were an original addition to the game and arguably the highlight, i would adore seeing what they would do for a full game.
even if it takes another decade and a half lol
I desperately want to see a continuation of Nero's story now that pretty much every loose and is tied up at the end of 5. give Nero a brand new adventure and let him make a name for himself without having to share the spotlight with Dante and Vergil.
passing the torch is meaningless if you snatch it right back.
Moving the story forward 30 seconds in Half-Life Alyx just to once again lay Half-Life back into its grave would be so cruel. doesn't have to be a technological marvel like 1, 2 or Alyx. just a quality game with good set piecing and a conclusion to the narrative would mean the world.
You own every single necessary license for the series Microsoft fucking use it.
Give us a good, faithful modern HeXen.
Bungie would fuck it up but I'd love it if they handed the keys to some competent modders. the Marathon community has several despite its size.
I understand wanting to experiment with the series but holy shit. we have been experimenting for 20 years. just make a new Paper Mario in the style of 64 & TTYD.
DotM and CotM are amazing so I'd love to see Machine handle Quake 5/6

(I know it was teased but the game is probably in very early planning stages so not sure if it will pan out.)
I know I am shouting into the void with this, but a new fixed-camera RE would be so cool after more than 20 years of 3rd-person.
I would settle for 1st person though.
also, make Jill the protag! she has not been the main protagonist in a new game since fucking 99' despite being the BEST one.


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