The quirky Earthbound-inspired RPG that's actually about depression, but also about finding forgiveness and self-value.

This game has by far the best narrative I've ever experienced, I can't possibly put into words how hard this game hit me, one moment I was laughing at the silly moments, and in the other, I was feeling genuinely heartbroken and sad, this game is beautiful, funny, sad, and creepy, and touches on some pretty heavy themes that can hit to close to home for a lot of people, but if you get past the Content Warnings at the beginning, you'll find yourself with one the best video games stories ever told.

The game that made me fall in love with JRPGs as a whole.

Earthbound makes every conversation a treat, every NPC has something interesting or funny to say, you can be in a small town, a big city or the middle of the jungle, and you'll still have a good time talking to the characters you find.

Gameplay-wise, the Rolling HP system makes the later encounters in the game a challenge of quick thinking and reflexes, a great way to spice up turn-based combat.

No game conveys better the feeling of loss and grief than this one.

The narrative and gameplay work together to bring an experience like no other.

Put aside the cheesy and honestly pretty bad writting and you have one of the best game ever designed, the peak of the KH franchise

This game is absolutely awesome, almost every mechanic in this game is perfectly executed.

It's just as amazing as I've remembered it being!