A reptitive and tedious metroidvania with some cool visuals and obtuse secrets. It tries to be engaging but most paths lead to useless Eggs to give you items you don't care about. The environment is visually pleasing but can be difficult to navigate due to how colorful everything is. Also whoever thought putting chase sections in a game where you have to use up to 6 items to navigate the environment and switch between them on the fly is an asshole. Dying to something really frustrating like that and being sent back to a save point and having to navigate through an awkward path with the controls isnt as fun as they want it to be.

An incredibly fun and simple to use wrestling booking simulator all avaliable just on your browser, simple as all hell to use, endlessly fun, i can't stop infact the hooks are in and i need to stop, please help me.

My personal favourite video game of all time, whether it be the fantastic single player or the extremely fun multiplayer, it's absolute kino.

An extremely short game, a nice little short game that is essentially the rail grindings of sonic heroes in one entire game, fun little unlockable skins too, dirt cheap, i'd give it a bash.

A very fun handheld 3d platformer, very much a banjo kazooie game on the GBA which is pretty mcuh exactly what you're wanting.

An extremely peak sonic game, let down by some wonky final levels and boss fights.

Great fun little game, very short but a great little time.

Great fun little game, very short but a great little time.

I mean it's fine, even if the performance wasn't as bad as it is I probably wouldn't really rank the game up any higher, sure yeah theres "open world" aspects but theres no level scaling, the raids are fun the story is pretty decent, but much like the games before, it suffers from being so easy to snowball into being OP, I rarely if ever actually struggled with the game. Fine I guess?

Amazing they got it so right on the first go.

This is how you do a g-rank dlc, absolutely fantastic, great new monsters great returning monsters and a challenge.

Great romhack, makes Blaze Black 2 look like Black 2.

A very fun simple game that knows exactly what it wants to do and sets out to do it, however it's incredibly short, far far too short, I want way more out of the game that I got, for £10 and only 2 hours of gameplay that wasn't enough.

An extremely fun rogue-like looter shooter, very fun to pick up and play.

An extremely fun metroidvania, very tight controls, nice and short but also very replayable.