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This game was so much fun. Hanging from a train, fighting on top of a train, jumping out a window of a collapsing building, blue people, and the mythological creatures. Great line from lazarovich too when he asks Nathan Drake how many people he's killed. My favorite of the uncharted series.

The first time I played it after climbing out of the train I thought I was still in a cutscene, the game was so beautiful.

This is my favorite ARPG, I played over 800 hours on this game and spent a bunch of time nerding out creating builds in grim tools as well. My favorite character was an arcanist/occultist who used the chaos aether ray to disintegrate my enemies while being super tanky and regenning from the damage I dealt.

I played this game a ton in the beta period, but it's not the same game anymore. I think they introduced balancing issues towards the end of the beta that they just couldn't fix. But the new 1.0 release just lost everything that made Gwent so fun and I haven't returned to it since.

I don't really enjoy the adrenaline rush of trying to out position at the end of the game anymore. Would prefer to spend my time on more relaxing games.

I love this game. This game has awesome chill vibes, and lets me be creative.

I really enjoyed this game just wish there was more of it especially like area 5 which is my favorite part.

I played through this once with one friend and had so much fun I played through it again with another. We were cracking up at thinking we were doing so well then Queen Latifah comes in and announces "Bronze Rank" lol...

Played through this game 2 and a half times. At first I thought it was my favorite pokemon game but I think I still like XD and Gen 2 a bit more. Loved my first playthrough just got a bit burnt out replaying it and raids being required for competitive is just awful.

Really enjoy the aesthetic of the Alola region and the regional forms and some of the new pokemon. Really had a great time with this game just the opening is really slow and makes it hard to start a new playthrough.

My favorite pokemon game. I've played through it so many times I've lost count. Never forget the joy of pokemon as a kid back in the day with friends.

I should have read the trigger warnings for this game. Made me feel sad and hopeless and I don't have the drive to finish it.

M&Ms the formative years of my life playing this game lol

This game is my favorite of all time. I have such good memories playing with my friends, breaking a box and asking my friends "what's a tri-grinder", the first time running into a hildebear, and the first game I played with truly epic bosses. The music and the atmosphere are great, the animals are so interesting, and it's really cool running into one of the rare enemy variants and getting a rare drop. This is a game best enjoyed with friends and I was lucky enough to have great friends as a kid to play it with!

This review was written before the game released

This game is amazing! Having so much fun, reminds me of the great times playing grim dawn nerding out, but man the feeling you get when you use some of the skills is great. I love this game because of the druid skill pulverize, it's like throwing down an earthshatter in overwatch every 12 seconds.