Call of Duty Modern Warfare is what fully kicked off the Call of Duty wave during the late 2000s and the throughout the 2010s and it's clear to see why. Though the multiplayer doesn't exactly have the player base of it's prime days it's still an enjoyable experience and even to this day I still play the odd gun game from time to time, but the real reason behind this rating and review is the campaign. The Call of Duty Modern Warfare campaign will forever hold a special place in my heart whether it's due cast of lovable characters or it's fun and memorable missions it will always be up there with one of my favourite story's in gaming, even though these days you might not be hard pressed to find a better gaming experience, to me Call of Duty Modern Warfare will always be up there in my personal favourites, though maybe I'm just nostalgic.

SuperHot is an extremely interesting take on the fps genre, it's unique time slowing abilities easily create fun and cool moments that make you feel like Neo himself. Apart from it's entreating gameplay SuperHot also has a pretty interesting and mysterious story that personally made me want to learn more about the SuperHot world. All in all SuperHot is a fun and enjoyable experience that, quite rightfully, cements itself in the indie hall of fame.

A Way Out is one of the most enjoyable co-op experiences out there, I remember when it first got announced a group of me and friends couldn't wait to play it and it definitely lived up to the hype we had for it, a seemingly simple prison break game turns into so much more the more you play it. The loveable friend ship between Leo and Vincent that the game spends it's time building is, in my opinion, up there with one of the best friendship in all of gaming and it helps that it's not uncommon to be able to see you and the person you decide to play with in one of Leo or Vincent, this definitely makes the ending that much more heart-breaking. For me A Way Out is probably the most enjoyable co-op experience I've had and I don't think I will be forgetting Leo and Vincent's journey anytime soon.

Going into Deaths Door I wasn't expecting much, I had only heard of the premise and thought it would be a fun little game to kill some time but I was honestly pleasantly surprised. I think Deaths Door is quite an enjoyable game; I thought the story and idea was fun, I think the cast of characters are both loveable and memorable and I thought the boss battles had a good mix of being difficult but also enjoyable. I honestly think that my one problem with them game is that the fighting mechanics were sometimes tedious and quite stale by the end of the game but, overall Deaths Door is a fun experience and I'm glad I gave it a chance.

FireWatch is game that's been on my back log for years and it didn't disappoint. The games story is amazing, the mystery and eeriness that the game creates is hard to come by and I loved the relationship between Henry and Delilah. I do wish the game was a bit longer and more spread out but overall the length doesn't really negate the experience, I'm also not a fan of the ending but I think I'm just a sucker for a happy ending. I think FireWatch is a good example of how to make a story based game and I think it deserves all the love it gets.

Coffee Talk is a game that a few years ago I probably never would've given a chance but I'm so glad that I did. I've never played a visual novel type game before and I'm quite happy that Coffee Talk was my first, I love everything about this game, characters are all unique and loveable, the soundtrack was just a joy to listen to and even making the coffee and discovering new recipes was fun. I loved the stories for all the characters, I found all of them quite relatable and it made me care for each individual character, I also liked the inclusion of the newspaper in the loading screens, even though you spend the game in your small coffee shop it made the world feel big. I absolutely adore Coffee Talk, its easily became one of my favourite games and I cannot wait to play the episode two.

There really isn't much to say about Football Manager 24, its simply another good edition to an already good franchise. I personally can never fully get into FM but whenever I get the urge to play it I'm never left feeling unsatisfied, the obvious work and dedication to trying to make this game realistic is astounding and is extremely hard to beat in the gaming world. Its speaks volumes that multiple players and managers in real life have came out and admitted to playing FM, if you ever want to get close to feeling like a football coach then this game is unrivalled.

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Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to one of my personal favourite games and a very good sequel at that. Modern Warfare 2 takes place a few years after its predecessor continuing the story of the original, it carries over some of the old loveable cast as well as adding a few new faces. I love the Modern Warfare story as a whole but I have to say my favourite moment is probably being betrayed by Shepherd (as much as it breaks my heart) I don't any game has been able to make me hate a character more than that scene does. Overall Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is another incredible edition to an incredible franchise.

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I feel most people don't expect much when going into Unpacking, me being one of them, though the game does get much love and appreciation its hard to understand why before you actually play it. The concept of the game is very much in the name, you unpack but there's more to this little game than that. Unpacking tells a story about a woman's life through making you unpack her items in the various houses that she lives in throughout her life, starting at her childhood home and ending with her starting a family. Unpacking tells an emotional and relatable story of life just through the act of unpacking items and its extremely good at what it does making it clearly obvious to anyone who plays it that it deserves all the praise and love it gets, it also shows us that there is no shame in hiding items under your bed.

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In my opinion Portal is must play, for me when I think of puzzle games this is what I think of. The puzzles never get tedious or boring and they are just the right level of difficulty, they don't leave you sitting for hours until you just search up the solution and the portals themselves are just fun to use, I mean basically everyone who plays this game wishes they had a real life portal gun for themselves, all of this tied in with some incredible writing and easily one of the best villains in gaming makes for a pretty good game.

The cake is a lie.

What. A. Game. Portal 2 has got everything you would want from a game, fun gameplay, amazing writing and a good story. It takes everything it had in Portal and just builds on it, it adds new mechanics, new characters (I would argue the best cast of characters in gaming) who are all voiced by a loaded cast and it improves upon the already incredible level and puzzle design, it also adds a new co-op mode which is up there with one of the best co-op experiences in gaming. The influence that this franchise has on gaming is crazy, its really not rare to find some refence to it in all types of games and I don't think it'll stop anytime soon, this game will not be forgotten for a very long time.

The cake is still a lie.

Now this is how a Pokémon experience should be, as a life long Pokémon fan I for whatever reason have never went back to play any of the games before X and Y, I chose Platinum because it was probably the game a knew least about and what a choice it was. Platinum made me feel like I was a kid again playing Pokémon for the first time, it had everything you could want out of a Pokémon game, a great cast of characters one of the best in the franchise with characters like Looker and Cynthia, an amazing region easily one of my personal favourites, some really good Pokémon with some of my favourites in the franchise and a given with any Pokémon game a incredible soundtrack. Sinnoh has made me fall back in love with Pokémon and has genuinely made me excited to play through the rest of the franchise.

PenPen - The Empoleon
Eva - The Luxray
Nero - The Staraptor
Asuna - The Roserade
Rikka - The Espeon
Pochita - The Garchomp