36 Reviews liked by Boek

Fully played in co-op, which was also the reason why I even finished it. The game just didn't feel nice to play and that's mostly because of how the controls felt.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
- Gameplay;
The controls were slow in all ways possible. Hitting an enemy never felt like it landed and the depth perception was off. All levels were unique enough, but mostly not really fun to play because of the reasons mentioned earlier. It's so important to have controls that feel nice to use. It can decide the whole experience for me.

+- Music;
It's alright I guess.

+- Graphics;
Charming but not as creative as it could have been. Paper Mario or yoshi woolly world for example use the environment in an unique way.

-- Story/Characters;

No, plenty of other games that do the job way better. Super Mario 3D World for example.

Frustration, this game gave me a lot of frustration. Yet I kept playing it, because the controls felt so nice.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+- Gameplay;
I'm very mixed about how I experienced this game. The controls are super tight and when you get good at it you can fly though the levels. But at the same time there are parts that are so hard it feels unfair. The dark souls games never made me this salty...
The metroidvania part of this game is pretty bad. The hints are too vague to solve without using hints or a guide. Also the fast travel options are too much spread out, meaning when you're going the wrong way you've lost a lot of time while at the same time gaining a headache.

+ Music;
Nice catchy tracks that switch between 8bit and 16bit.

+ Graphics;
Same as the music, nice unique areas that switch between 8bit and 16bit.

+ Story/Characters;
Simple and funny, perfect for a game like this.

Idk, I'd say no but I've played worse games I'd recommend which deserve it less.

Finished in 2024

Played this in co-op all the way through. It was fun to play, but nothing special. Levels were a bit of a hit or miss situation. Ran into some trouble with the depth perception quite a few times throughout the game.

Finished in 2024

A turning point in the series in both gameplay and cast, but i’m pleasantly surprised by how easy it was for me to get on board with the changes. Ichiban Kasuga is an amazingly fun, kindhearted and spirited loser protagonist who instantly won me over. I’ve got 73 hours into this game and i’ve grown really really attached to Ichiban and his band of misfits.

I was worried I wouldn’t enjoy the turn based combat as much, but I did enjoy the strategy aspect and the cooky skills and jobs. It keeps things fresh and the game is not as “grind-y” as other Yakuza installments (looking at you Ishin….)

Great game for veteran and new players!!

The last Tekken game I played a lot was Tag Tournament 2. I even managed to get a platinum trophy back in the day. When Tekken 8 was about to release, I thought back of the joy I had back then and decided to give this one a try. Still a lot of fun, but came to the conclusion I was not as good as at I thought. Still managed to get Alisa to Garyu nonetheless.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
++ Gameplay;
Addicting gameplay and managed to learn some combo's. Mostly only played alisa, because she used to be my main. Barely touched the side stuff you could do aside from the main story, some character story's, arcade story and customization.

++ Music;
It has all music from all Tekken games + the new music they added is also very good. Good stuff.

+ Graphics;
Played it on high settings on my PC, and it looked perfectly fine. Nothing special, but wish the customization had a bit more options that weren't locked behind a paywall.

+- Story/Characters;
Main story is ehh.... But the goofy side stories make up for it. Truely not the highlight of the game.

It's somewhat casual friendly and teaches you how to get better at the game. If you're interesed in a 2D (actually 3D) fighting game, I'd probably recommend this series.

Finished in 2024, on steamdeck

Absolutely incredible puzzle game! Deciphering the glyphs is so extremely satisfying and the message of this game is very thoughtful. The art style and sound design really help set the tone of this game. Don’t want to spoil any more of it for anyone so….just go play it and you won’t be disappointed!!

Finished on Steamdeck

I mean, it’s a fun little 4 hour game. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought it would, but nothing groundbreaking. I do love the introduction to Mr. Scratch as a villain here, but the other characters and dialogues just weren’t as well written.

This game is something special. I got into ff7 not too long ago, but it already feels like this series has been part of my life for years. OG FF7 and FF7 Remake are truely super fun games, but this one has been cooking so hard it became one of the best meals I've had in my life. I've not been bored after playing for more than 90 hours, which is truely unique for me.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
++ Gameplay;
Everything has been improved from the previous game. More fun combat options, smoother gameplay and a wider variety of minigames. I enjoyed exploring all area's, doing all battles and even the tasks that are supposed to be boring/annoying were fun to me. There is sooo much to do, and it never feels forced imo. If the 3rd game is only half as good as this one, it'll still be a super enjoyable game.

++ Music;
Crazy new remixes and new original songs. Never got bored of it and everything fits the mood perfectly. Also for certain scenes it adds so much and gives hints about the story. By that I mean, the visuals might not be what it seems to be thanks to the music that's playing in the background. (which is a good thing)

+ Graphics;
All cutscenes are gorgeous, but during gameplay the light is sometimes overexposed.
All areas are unique, memorable and fun to explore. I like how heavy crowded some places are.

++ Story/Characters;
Let them cook. it's crazy how everything is familiar and new at the same time. This is how you do a remake. You still have the story from the OG game, but at the same time it'll give you so many new things and hints to keep you engaged. The ending was a bit confusing at first, but after looking at it again and again it only gets better and better. I've been watching hours of theories from Maximillian_Dood and it's crazy how much hidden stuff is in the game.

Yes, but play the Remake first. If you haven't play Crisis Core as well.
I'd recommend playing the OG as well to see all thats different, but it's not a must. Should be fine to play that after the remakes as well.

Dopamine the game. Truely a fun game which is simpel to control but complicated enough to not get boring.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Simple yet addicting. What I liked most is how the game expanded the more you play it. New characters, attacks, items, levels and more. Played it for several hours till and managed to defeat the "final boss".

+ Music;
Great collection of music which all have 3 variations.

- Graphics;
Sadly the art isn't it's strong point. It even has some traced art which is disappointing.

+- Story/Characters;
Non existent aside from some small things.

Barely costs anything and gives you hours of entertainment. I'd recommend it, even tho it doesn't look that fun in the trailers. You have to experience it.

Finished in 2024

Absolutely phenomenal game! This game has it all for me: horror/thriller theme, interesting characters, fun gameplay and a conceptually strong story. It vaguely reminds me of my favourite show Hannibal, like somehow the vibes been incapsulated in a game.

I have to be honest: i got the first Alan Wake game in a steam sale once YEARS ago, played it for a bit, shelved it and forgot about it. Ended up seeing the Herald of Darkness gameplay on my fyp and that immediately drew me in. It’s so incredibly camp - decided I’d go back and give this franchise (and other Remedy games) another go. Played Alan Wake 1 and followed up with this one immediately after.

I’m absolutely sold on this universe. I get it now. I’m gonna continue om with Control…

Finished on Steamdeck, including Foundation and AWE DLC

I was a bit weary at first as the type of gameplay isn’t my usual jam. I did get the hang of things once I managed to upgrade some skills, but some parts of the game were tediously difficult.

That being said: the story is very intriguing and right up my alley! I think Jesse is a great protag - and getting to know the other characters around the bureau was fun. Especially finding all of Dr Darling’s little videos scattered around - definitely a highlight for me.

As for the DLC: I thought i’d enjoy the AWE dlc more it being about Alan Wake and all, but I found the combat endlessly frustrating. Dr. Hartman truly was the bane of my existence. The Foundation DLC was much more enjoyable - both gameplay and storywise.

Overall i’m pleasantly surprised by this game. Will definitely play the sequel!!

A fun game with interesting story, but it tries to be a RPG and action game at the same time which ends up in both not reaching it's gameplay potential.
Also first game of 2024 & first big PS5 game.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
I enjoyed it but it was a bit too repetitive. Throughout the game you get new abilities and they pretty much all do the same, deal damage. I really wish more rpg elements came into play, because now I was just spamming attacks instead of having to think about what attack would do most damage (because of a weakness for example).
The icon battles were fun te see and was impressed by the visuals and such, gameplay wise it was a bit too easy.
I have to say the controls felt very nice. You felt the impact of your attacks and doing a parry or perfect invade felt satisfying.

++ Music;
Like most FF games, also this game's music was on point. I do wish they would be more suited to casually listen to, but that would have been an extra. While playing the game all music perfectly fits.

+ Graphics;
I've made several screenshots and felt like they gave you time to do so. Got some impressive visuals but most of the areas you visit feel too similar.

+ Story/Characters;
The part of the story I enjoyed the most is how the main message can be translated to real life. Makes me think about stuff, which is a plus for me.
The side missions were a bit much, especially later in the game. They surely loved talking, because plenty of things could have been told in 2 sentences instead of 15.

The characters were alright. I didn't really get attached to them and there wasn't a favorite for me in the end. Probably cid if I had to chose one.

Yes and no. Idk actually. I'll just say I enjoyed my time and don't regret playing it at all. I just don't know who to recommend it to, because I feel like there a other games who I would recommend instead. It's mostly because of what I said earlier, it tries to be an RPG and action game but in the end it's only half of both.

Finished in 2024

Yakuza 6 aka Kiryu forgot to teach sex ed at the orphanage.

All jokes aside: I know this installment had mixed reactions from fans, but I honestly liked this way better than yakuza 5. I’m a bit over the Haruka as damsel in distress trope though, but I think the overall narrative and story of 6 was powerful. The final chapter really hit hard for me.

Having played the story consecutively 0 through 6: i’m glad we’re back on the dragon engine. I honestly don’t know why people hate this combat/leveling system so much, i’ve been thoroughly enjoying it.

Great send-off for Kiryu for now (even though we’re getting 8 soon).

Finished in 2024

Fun way to show off the new Playstation options. Collecting all the artifacts feels very satisfying.

Finished in 2023

Fun game - especially in co-op. Bit on the short side. Though i imagine this is one of those games you can whip up when you have friends over and need an hour or two to fill.