This game did Octopath traveler way before it's biggest fan's parents met. I played both this version and the DS version and I prefer the DS version in some ways, i also prefer the PS1 version in others. That's why the play time is 60 hours and not the average 30 since I've played this game twice. Dragon Quest IV is easily the best NES RPG that came out and while in my opinion still not as good as V, which came out a few years later, It's somehow still just as modern and only slightly harder to go back to because of some weird story instances where the place you're meant to go isn't super clear, but other than that it's such a classic. The music is goated, the characters are super cool and the dungeons are pretty fun too just like in V. I like that this game features more human characters where V has you controlling monsters for a large portion of the game. Though the story is definitely more simplistic than V in certain ways, the way they intertwine is still interesting. Especially since you don't even really play as the hero on the box until the last third and a half or so.

Across every platform I've played this game on i think my favourite is probably PS2, or the Maniax Chronicles version with raidou since i like him more than dante. I've beaten this game a ton of times and each time I find myself noticing more and more that bugs me with it. it use to be my favourite of all time but i think that's gotta be DDS1 and DDS2 tied now. Nocturne is still my favourite mainline SMT game without a doubt but it's definitely flawed in the sense that the game is difficult to navigate without some sort of guide or previous SMT knowledge. I also find that the game's limited number of viable demons has each play through feeling similar to the last. later games mostly fix this issue with i think SMTV being the best in that aspect overall (might be the only thing that game is the best at) but honestly nocturne is still one of my favourite games of all time because of the way it plays and sounds and looks. It really resonates with me.

Totally slop of the century and to date the most boring and uninspired Atlus RPG. Persona 3 was already the worst game in the franchise with the shitty story and cringe writing. It's full of stuff that's just never explained, as well as stuff that just makes no sense that you are just kind of expected to go along with it and not question it. Normally I don't like to nitpick stories of games I play but lots of people like to slob on this game's knob regarding it's narrative and characters and story beats and whatnot which I just can't get behind imo. I think that out of all the annoying and edgy slop that Katsura Hashino pumps out every time Atlus makes an important game, this is EASILY his worst, even worse than the nothingburger that was Nocturne's story. This game being an Atlus game automatically makes it better than most of the anime slop coming out these days like Tales of Arise and Fire Emblem something.... but I'm not rocking with dating high schoolers anymore like when i was 14 and i know you aren't FORCED to, but it's much harder to avoid in this game, like you can't finish a social link with any woman in the game without being given the option to date them or without them saying some shit like "I love you....something-kun" like hellllll nah I am not trying to go to prison over playing mid... I just find it uncomfortable and cringe whenever they write a forced love confession scene, typical weirdo beach episode or "ahh you pervert!!" hot spring scene into the game. It's messed up man. I am no longer this game's target audience and while that is okay, I am just upset that Atlus can get away with all of this weirdo bullshit and that Persona's strongest soldiers are allowed within 500 feet of any school. And this is just scratching the surface but I'm not really going to get into it. It's boring and way too similar to the original in like every bad way. I got it on gamepass tho so idc i'm cooling...

You can buy this game on PS2 for incredibly cheap. I think that the PS2 is the best way to play this game. The HD collection never really looked quite right to me even though people tend to hold it in such high regard as if it wasn't riddled with it's own annoying issues that everybody seems to magically forget about when the master collection is brought into discussion. Overall this game is timeless, and weirdly underrated compared to 3.

This game is some fucking heat man metal slug 2 was already good but now it's even good-er. This game is not as hard or long imo as metal slug 3 which is good even though i love that game too this one is easier to beat which is saying somwthing cause this game still hard asf.

Still holds up very well minus the incredibly boring first 450 VR missions followed by the hardest task in video game history (The last 50 or so). In my experience playing this game on PS3 and PS Vita I've seen this game drop frames ALL the time. I don't know why, but whenever people give the master collection version of this game shit they always tend to forget that this version has the slow-ass codec load times and the CONSTANT frame drops. Any time too many explosives go off (2 or 3 grenades or C4) the entire game slows to like 15fps. Whenever there's too many effects/enemies on screen it slows down. If you're in a large area (for example, Arsenal Gear at the top of the first staircase on the right-hand side) the game will slow again to about 20fps. This happens on both the PS3 and Vita versions, maybe more so on the vita but who's surprised. What i'm trying to say is that this game is literally objectively "worse" than the master collection version in a purely gameplay standpoint. The awkward 2-3 second wait every time you get a codec call breaks the immersion every time i switch back to this version and remember how slow it is. Don't get me wrong, this is a more than okay way to play MGS2, in fact it's the one i'd recommend to people looking to play on PC before the MC was released, but this weird ignorance surrounding the master collection makes me think that people that have played ten times less of this game than i have over the years are nit-picking over the stupidest shit to go on another boycott of a corporation cause their lives are so mundane and uninteresting that shitting on literal video games and mediamaxxing all day is the most interesting thought to enter their brain. All the while OWNING this version AND a means to play it. It just really confuses me when people complain about the new port being "lazy" or "lacklustre" cause everything i've played of it seems extremely well done and high quality. More than I was expecting. What could Konami or even Bluepoint have done other than upping the resolution to 1080p or i guess even 4K for those that really care that could have made this collection worth (CHUBBY BEARDED WHITE GUY WITH GLASSES BUZZ WORD ALERT!) sixty dollars?

So dead ass when i say it's a masterpiece. Peak pikmin.

This is a classic case of internet brainwashing and broken telephone for 10 years. Playing TOTK really bummed me out so playing this game felt really nice. I love the art style and the music is definitely the best in the series imo. The boss fights are also over-hated with koloktos being my all time favourite zelda boss. Honestly don't listen to any opinion about this game, make your own and i guarantee you will like it. I hope the weird hate boner for this game goes away kind of like how it did for MM.

Imo this is the best version of DQV to play. It's insane to think that this game basically came out in 1991, five years before pokemon red and blue which feel much older and outdated in comparison. This game's story is really solid and still extremely unique today. People tend to pass on dragon quest because it just "looks like a generic fantasy RPG" but it's definitely more than that. Probably one of the best JRPGs to ever come out.

After playing this game again for the first time in two or three years I was surprised at how different my vision of this game ended up becoming by the end of it. When people talk about the "glory days" or "golden age" of Atlus games they tend to refer to the PS2 era consisting of Nocturne, DDS1 and DDS2, and also the Raidou duology. Sometimes people consider persona 3 and 4 to be a part of this era but they've been remastered and reworked a few times each now so I feel like they've transcended the PS2 era since they're both still relevant and both just got a brand new physical release announced. I always felt like the more Atlus progressed into their arguably as prominent 3DS era, they lost a bit of their original magic they had previously around the DDS era. It could have been a change of visual style with Masayuki Doi making the vast majority of new character art for the mainline series, along with shigenori soejima's art style changing to something that's (I feel) less unique. Both Doi and Soejima, in my opinion, have a more consistent track record of great art compared to kaneko but that's besides the point. This game came out in 2008 for the PS2, which to me is crazy because the jump from PS2 to PS3 was pretty huge. Hard to believe this game came out in the same year as like metal gear solid 4. This game really feels like it's way older than it actually is, and re-uses so many assets from the first game it left me feeling sometimes like i wasn't even playing a sequel, more so like an FES or a Royal version of Raidou 1 which caused me to unfortunately lose interest in the story much earlier than i would've liked. This is sort of where Persona started to have a bigger influence on Shin Megami Tensei as a whole. Even looking at the box arts for these two games you can tell that the second game's art was made much more ''palatable'' for a more mainstream audience. Even throughout the story there's brief but weirdly important scenes that involve picking a hypothetical love interest which really felt like it was ripped right from something like persona 4 because of how out of place it felt (in comparison to the first raidou, and the other ps2 smt games aside from P3 and P4). The music also felt like it took a bit of a hit. Re-using most of the music from raidou 1, raidou 2 boasts a much less extensive list of original songs, made even shorter if you don't count remixes. The songs in this game sound a lot like the ones from Persona 3, and even more so, Persona 4. The same guitar tone, the same trumpets that get really annoying after a while, etc. People say that Shoji Meguro got really burned out because of the constant pressure to make new music for a new megaten/persona game like literally every year or so at this point so a lot of songs blend together after DDS (which even he claims to be his most creative work). Besides the Art and music, the game plays pretty solid for the most part since it's building off of the bones of the last game, which itself was a little too simple for my liking. Now Raidou can roll and use special movies. Ammo is now infinite which is nice, but i rarely find myself using it, even with the elemental bullet spells, which brings me to my next point. This game has a lot of mechanics that go pretty much unused because you just don't need to use them. I bet most players didn't even know that blocking, and tapping X right in front of an enemy would roll you behind them like in wind waker, but i'm pretty sure they never explain it to you in game, and if they do, you won't ever really need to use it other than to feel cool. For the ladder half of the game you'll be so good on MAG, the primary mana resource of this game, that you'll be able to spam super high-level piercing spells that hit more than once to obliterate anything. Keep in mind that in my playthrough i only ever did 2 of the optional side quests and grinded only once for a super long fusion chain late-game towards the 25 hour mark. The game is way too easy for me and I'm glad they added a hard mode in the form of King difficulty, since it's something that me and my friends really wish they would've added to DDS since it's absent exclusively in those games. The only part of the main story that I found difficult were the fiends. Some may say that they're side content but they can literally interrupt the main story of the game whenever the moon phase hits 'New' and force you into a fight with them sort of like the riders from nocturne camping outside the terminals. Fighting them requires a moderate level of strategy and good MAG management to make sure you don't waste any by missing, since the riders like to teleport a lot. In my playthrough, I was able to kill every fiend including the Raidou clone a few times, since he can respawn unlike the others that stay dead for the remainder of the chapter. This game follows the SMT trope of having your decisions make an impact on your moral alignment and by extension, the ending of the game. While the 3 main endings in the game are for the most part, pretty similar minus the death of one character changing to another dependant on the route. I ended up getting the neutral ending which is pretty cool since I usually get either law or chaos in the other games, or TDE in nocturne since it's the most fun. Overall, the gameplay loop of Raidou 2 isn't as fun as something like Nocturne with the more prominent emphasis on demon fusion and the Kalpas, or DDS and the mantras and expanding your skill tree. I maybe went through 3 or 4 party cycles in Raidou 2, and never once felt like i needed to fuse to power myself up, it was just to explore the compendium and see more of the more niche Devil Summoner demons you don't see too often in mainline. I saw some demons in this playthrough that I'd never seen before which was super cool. My one problem with the demons is that the ones that are probably the most optimal to use can be found as wild demons in the current or next major area, which makes them feel less unique, and also makes the compendium feel a bit smaller. Speaking of gameplay loop, the dungeons are probably some of the most forgettable in the series. I've played this game twice now and still couldn't recall a single name of any dungeon despite reading a guide while playing, which I must say, isn't always necessary. It also doesn't really help that the dungeons are interspersed between probably some of the driest dialogue from the driest characters introduced in a megaten game. Worse than the reasons in Nocturne. Nagi and Geirin are both that trope where characters say a certain thing over and over like how Teddie P4 always makes a bear pun, Nagi and Geirin both say "bounds of my conjecture" or "theoretically" in almost every second sentence without fail. It's not okay this time cause Tedddie P4 tbh was more of a comic relief character but i can't really feel bad for these young sheldon sounding ass characters when either one is going through it. The one character I can say that i really enjoyed watching was Narumi. He was my favourite character in 1 and probably still in 2. He's just a good guy that isn't just comic relief like a lot of people think of him as. Another big problem with the dialogue is that none of it is voice acted, which is okay i guess considering this game was probably a lower-budget title but this game is practically begging for a Nocturne HD treatment. DDS was somehow lucky enough to get okay voice acting 4 years before and considering how that game performed I'm assuming they didn't wanna risk it again, which is understandable. It's just that this game has lots of scenes where stuff is being explained to you over these ugly looking 3D models that bob up and down and express like one of 4 emotions. I know it probably sounds like i am hard core shitting on this game, but I just think that this game and the Raidou world and characters are so slept on. The whole way through this game I couldn't help but think how great this game would've been had it released on Xbox360 or PS3. Catherine and Persona 5 both had a release that generation and they did really well in sales i'm pretty sure. Granted, Catherine is like the biggest clickbait of the video game world but it's still worth mentioning. Seeing the ever-mediocre persona 5 strikers get the megaten action game of the decade release really upsets me now that I can imagine a world where Raidou or even just the SMT franchise got int instead. Raidou being able to run around a fully 3d environment instead of those 240p pre-rendered backgrounds at full 60fps with a proper skill tree and great boss fights would have easily cemented Devil Summoner as a pillar title for Atlus, but instead they had completely and utterly ruined their chance with the embarrassingly lame soul hackers 2. This game set out to create an action game out of PS2 megaten and i think when you put it that way, it definitely succeeds, since both the bad and good carried over mostly from Nocturne and DDS and even Persona 3 and 4. Raidou is probably one of the more interesting Megaten protagonists and the lore behind the Kuzunoha family is really interesting especially after having played Soul hackers and persona 2 a few years back, you can see how it all ties together. This game is definitely more polished than Raidou 1, and overall a better game that improves on most of what raidou 1 needed to fix, like having only one demon at a time, but for me, it doesn't quite hit the mark that DDS did, and I'm not remotely satisfied with the dormant status of this series/character and I'm so extremely confused at how Atlus was moving in the right direction for the most part but completely dropped the ball on this guy. If it were on 10 i'd probably give it a really solid 7, and maybe I'm biased cause I love Raidou and megaten but I generally enjoyed this game start to finish. It just doen't help that it was bogged down so hard by the previous gen's specs since if had just been given more time to break free from the mediocrity of it's predecessor and define itself as a true successor, i could easily see Raidou 2 as a 10/10 action RPG in another life.

This game is really fun, but I have to say I was pretty lost on most of the story and just let myself zone out whenever some crazy shit was happening on-screen. That said, I remember the whole thing like I beat it yesterday. The music was great, the characters are funny and unique. Usually i find the Suda51 games like silver case and no more heroes 1 and 2 to be pretty overrated (while still okay in my opinion) this game is just as good as they say. Even on PS2 with long load times and frame drops it's still good, so buy that version if you don't have a PC and don't want to pay the gamecube tax.

My first play through was casual but the second was much more in depth, i fought almost every optional boss in the game minus Huang-Long. This and the second game are probably the peak of megaten on the PS2. Even though nocturne and DDS1 were only a year or two apart, nocturne feels 15 years older in comparison. It's a really interesting creative work that doesn't get the attention it deserves for some reason when I would say that it's more palatable for modern RPG or JRPG players these days than nocturne, which got a "full" HD remaster not so long ago. You can absolutely power though every dungeon in this game and solve every puzzle yourself without a guide, when in noctutne it just confuses me how anybody was supposed to figure half of them out in the first place. This game is probably tied with the second one for my favourite game of all time and I'd love to be able to play it in actual HD some day.

This review contains spoilers

This is genuinely the most soulless cash grab of a game I have personally ever had the displeasure of playing to completion and beyond. The wait up to the release of this game had me more hype than any other, more than any metal gear or megaten game. This is by far the most disappointed with a game I've ever been. It's entirely too obvious to see that nintendo, or whoever worked on this aspect of the game was really trying to capture the "Magical" and "Breathtaking" moments of the first game and to me it felt extremely forced and unimpactful, the moment where link is ever-so cinematically free-falling didn't make me think "wow how expansive and instagram post worthy. GOTY for sure!" It instead made me realize that this was the idea behind it all. "Big moments of realization that people can all relate to and unanimously claim to be goty material for no reason other than it's the sequel to BOTW, and by extension, another Zelda game." In Metal Gear Solid 2 they simulate the events of Shadow Moses in the first game to train Raiden to reach Solid Snake's legendary status (recreating "greatness" with a formula that worked all to well the first time). This is what has happened to this game. Nintendo had everybody wait forever for breath of the wild, so the excitement of buying your new switch and playing it ASAP made the whole experience that much more memorable and "wow so sunset so open world". Nowadays, 6 years after the switch came out and it's getting hard to run anything on it cause the hardware is older than most of the people playing on them, so it's not as exciting and not carried by launch title status anymore. The entire map is re-used from the original which to me is such a terrible decision. I hated exploring this map for like the 5th time. They made the Sky islands seem like such a gigantic part of the game since they were in literally every trailer and on the box of the game itself but there are like 5 interesting ones and the rest are shrines or completely forgettable and/or empty. Every new boss or enemy in this game is fought the EXACT. SAME. WAY. Shoot an arrow at it's very obvious and contrasting glowing giant weak point (usually an eye) and go into a DPS phase. Nintendo also successfully brainwashed every player into thinking that they "brought back old zelda dugeons" when in reality they are the EXACT SAME FORMULA as the divine beasts, feel 10x more unfinished and bizarre/out of place, and are just no longer shaped like an animal, losing every bit of the little personality they had in the first place only to get replaced with "Random building with element. Admittedly the idea behind the wind one was okay but i ended up doing the water one first since that's the path i followed in BOTW. Zelda's strongest keyboard warriors will gush about how amazingly non-linear these two games are 'til your ears bleed, and how you can "go right to gannon if you want to", which to BOTW's credit, you CAN do, and while i prefer the story-driven route found in most traditional zelda games, the option being there is interesting, and really makes you as the player feel like you're preparing to go fight him instead of just following orders from old men and sages and gods/goddesses etc. This however is not the case in TOTK. The water dungeon, which you CAN go to, is filled with enemies that will most likely one-shot you. It is true that the game hints at you to go to the wind one first but i thought this was supposed to be an open world game? no linearity to be seen here, that's so ten years ago. I won't even get into how useless and fucking stupid looking the summons are and how they're inferior in every way to the abilities from botw, because i want to talk about the big soyjack moment of this game, the depths. The depths are cool for maybe an hour until you realize that no, despite what the reviewers told you, it's NOT a second hyrule, it's actually about as interesting as a minecraft superflat world that's constantly pitch black unless you have those stupid seeds or detour every five minutes to turn one of the big light sources on to reveal more nothing around you. The depths is quite possibly the worst aspect of this game. In a game that's so fucking set on having you explore everything, they sure do love to make everything as boring as possible. Speaking of boring I want to mention that the big new idea in this game: the ultra hand and merge abilities are both SUPER FUCKING BORING! The merge ability lets link attach various items he comes across to pretty much any weapon, usually changing it's properties. My issue with this stems from the fact that every single weapon you find on the surface that's made of metal is all gloomed up, therefore reducing it's damage output and durability ten fold. This FORCES the player into using the stupid merging mechanic to make some of the ugliest weapons imaginable, while simultaneously re-creating weapons that already existed in botw. Like attaching some electric item to a sword will just make it into a thunderblade from the last game. The water item makes your weapon spew out water. Who would have thought. Forcing the players into doing specifically what the game wants or you'll never win: a perfect example of the non-linearity this game is praised for, for some reason.The second big new idea in this game is ultrahand. it lets you gmod things together to make vehicles and to solve puzzles, but the puzzles are like always one of three or four and can only be solved a very specific way or else it feels like cheating and is obviously not intended. Another perfect example of giving the player zero fucking time to use their head to create something of their own and just following the lego instructions to make their 30th basic air craft to cross a medium-sized gap. When i said the depths was the worst this game had to offer i lied because i forgot to mention the entire storyline of this game is completely abysmal and makes zero fucking sense because in this game's ultimate wisdom, you can experience the most important cutscenes COMPLETELY OUT OF ORDER. The bulk of the story is told through memory-style cutscenes like from botw except this time they all follow one single plot instead of little intermittent lore bytes that worked to flesh out the world more instead of provide the ONLY IMPORTANT STORY in the ENTIRE MAIN GAME. The problem is that after you hit up the first dragon's tear, you are not told which one to go to next, and if you are i sure as hell never even saw it once, and neither did any of my friends. You can straight up watch characters in this game die before they do anything else. Why couldn't they just play them all in order regardless of which one you do? It just makes zero fucking sense to me. The whole furry subplot with the girl in the robot was just such a snoozefest i was so done with the game at that point i can't even recall exactly what i saw. Just lots of flashing lights and colours and talking about mystical orbs, and powers, and relics and explaining the same exact fucking backstory BEAT FOR BEAT every time you finish a dungeon. And not to mention everybody in hyrule is completely and utterly useless. When this so obviously fake clone of zelda is wreaking havoc left and right and we have seen VIDEO PROOF that it's a fake link just says nothing as usual and we're forced to painstakingly watch stupid avoidable shit happen right before our very eyes to progress the dreadful plot is just awful. I seriously think that this is the worst Zelda game. There's so much more i could go into about how much this game can't get anything it tried to do right but I don't really care to anymore. It will probably go on to sell another 20 zillion copies and win game of the year and have that slapped on the box art for the next console generation.

Rockstar and other game devs (mostly the western kind) tend to do this really fucking stupid thing where they make things as realistic as possible only for it to backfire and not only look stupid but also slow everything down for no reason. The whole "games are becoming more like movies" thing is becoming more real over the years for sure and i don't really care since my favourite game series' will likely remain unaffected. For example arthur morgan presses triangle to get on his horse and he's standing at the wrong angle for the animation to occur, so he awkwardly autonomously shifts into the exact position to "seamlessly" shift into the animation for getting on the horse. The whole exchange takes like 6 seconds and looks jarring and stupid as fuck. Why? What's the need to make this game feel like real life when other shit, like taking ten bullets and waiting the pain out behind a rock in about ten seconds is totally in the game too. Metal Gear Solid V and Ghost of Tsushima both have horses and are both also photorealistic and look great but neither of them have this stupid transition animation that happens so often for every little thing in red dead 2. The running in this game also feels super slow and weird to control cause arthur MUST make a full turn just as he would had he been a real person even though he's not. This makes the game incredibly hard to control with a keyboard and while i didn't play it this way i know people who have and it annoyed them. These little things add up and make doing anything that isn't SPECIFICALLY INTENDED by the devs either literally impossible or extremely jarring and sluggish cause everything has a stupid 3 second long animation. Aside from that, i think this game was probably the best written game i've played. The best voice acting too. This story is seriously something to experience for yourself if you haven't been spoiled yet. probably my favourite rockstar game, even though it's close with GTAIV.