as a former symmetra main i still wake up screaming from nightmares that they changed her again... pls give me back the auto lock on laser i beg of you

bloodborne's setting is really just the video game version of 2020 isn't it

This was just to explain why mickey mouse had his nips out in Kingdom Hearts 1 wasn't it?

real men dont cry after the intro, they cry when goofy has his fucking head caved in by a rock

listen you expected this to be a perfect review so instead here's a word from our sponsor "Raid Shadow Legends: the worst mobile game ever. now who do i have to talk to so i can get my paycheck...

this review is brought to you by all of sigmas 18 inches (if you think im joking the director confirmed it AND NEVER DOUBT ME PUNY MORTAL)

i don't know how to write a review for this game without saying something extremely sexual about Carlos so yeah

Hi welcome to my ted talk where i rant about how misunderstood the laughing scene from ffx is due to later story revelations for about 5 hours 47 minutes and 3 seconds

i dont even know what the fuck happened in this game i got it for a easy plat

send help the cat has me at gunpoint and is telling me to go to bed OH NO HES ANGRY RUN

Come for 2B's cheeks stay for the emotional trauma and the questioning of the meaning of life

if anyone so much as looks at Tataru the wrong way i swear to Hydaelyn I WILL FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO I'LL RIP OUT YOUR...( the rest of this review has been removed because dear god this goes to very gruesome places and is illegal in at least 49 states)

if you ever want to have a conversation about quantum physics and its affects on a funyarinpa in the middle of a wet elevator THEN BOY DO I HAVE THE GAME FOR YOU