This is my favorite game of all time EASILY. Really fun speed game so speedrunning it is super fun, just playing through it for the first time is so enjoyable too. SUPER super fun.

Fun game but I am super not done with it.

immensely fun, the dialogue is cheesy in a (mostly) fun way (some of it just kind of sucked), story isn't super ground breaking but it's like pretty good. fun game. need to go back for some achievos but I 100%ed every level.

good game first like half is kind of a slog but it picks up after that and the ending is kind of peak not gonna lie

buggy as all hell but the most like interesting pokemon game to drop in a while

fun gameplay but the writing is horrible

fun rpg not too long i enjoy the story

Genuinely fantastic game. Fantastic characters, fantastic story, fantastic music, fantastic combat, fusion’s fun, 90% of social links are at least Pretty Good, good difficulty (except the final boss is laughably easy if you are overlevelled, but that might have been because i was playing on Normal). Aigis has become one of my favorite characters in anything ever, and i love every member of SEES. 10/10 game. Also it made me cry like 3 times so that means its automatically good.

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had a lot of things i liked, gameplay was very good, i liked how the social links gave you little buffs, however most of the social links like Just Okay and the game lacks any characters that i truly loved which sucks because thats my favorite part of persona games! story was alright tho. persona designs were so variable some goats some trash. loki and arsene are two of the coolest persona designs in the series though. it feels like ryuji and ann start really strong and then every character after them is just better ? and the game tries really hard to make you hate ryuji for some reason ? also every scene involving yoshizawa before january feels really forced and weird. rest of the new royal stuff feels pretty natural from me having Not Played bast 5. overall game was still really good though despite all my complaints. I liked makoto, yusuke, futaba, sojiro, and hifumi the most :)

combat feels like ass but every other part of this game is good and oozes with charm. wished there were more dream levels