In retrospect, the VR kit in particular gets way too much hate. Like the inital wave of Labo sets - very fun to build; on the plus side though, it offers a completely new and unique experience for Nintendo. It still feels like a miracle how it all works, but I quite enjoyed all of the little moments I had with each game. Definitely the best Labo set by a wide margin.

Kick ass racer that doesn't get nearly enough love as it deserves. Totally deserves a modern day remake

Pretty rough first entry into the series. Nathan and the cast is great but the boring locale, poor puzzles, and clunky controls greatly hurt the overall experience

A massive improvement over the last game. Greatly ups the scale in almost every category and delivers tremendously. Combat hasn’t aged greatly but it’s just such a fun adventure

Don’t know why, but I like this one a tiny bit over 2. Not as large of an innovation but it continues keeping the formula fresh on the 3rd go, with much better refined gunplay and melee combat

Incredibly underrated 3DS puzzle game. Super neat offspring of picross with a good balance of challenge and satisfying game play

You can't quite ever screw up the Tetris formula, and at heart that stays consistent in 99. There's a little too much BS that happens in the moment for me that detracts from the tactical aspect, but I still highly respect it for trying something so wildly new.

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played. Very little redeeming qualities - it's a shame that a franchise with so much potential too was done so dirty with something like this

Special edition is pretty sweet

In many ways I feel it improves upon the last title, with better pacing and mix of combat/traversal, and in others not as much. Both narrative and gameplay wise I had a fun time, and it’s physical proof the show can go on without Nathan.

The Last of Us deserves all of the praise it gets. It’s a masterpiece of a narrative adventure; it captures characters and emotion quite unlike any other video game. The gameplay/combat itself is quite average but it pairs very nicely with the stronger story focus. Classic of a game

Going from playing Dark Moon to then this one is a very peculiar experience. I still like Dark Moon more, which is probably incredibly unpopular, but I still had a really fun time with it. Felt so at home on 3DS and the tight focus on one mansion and continual progression works well. I just think that the areas of the LM series I like (Tool set and exploration) are all much further refined in DM and 3

Very inoffensive about sums it up. It's fun for a few hours, but as someone who's less into the decoration aspect of Animal Crossing, wears thin pretty early on

It's still quite insane such a bizzare idea works in the first place. General traversal and puzzling was incredibly disengaging but I'm a huge fan of the goofy charm and incredibly well tuned battle system. Interested to see where this IP goes.