I’ve only played through through the Golden Deer route up until this point, so I don’t have the entire story perspective, but this game is truly something special. I absolutely adore how unique and enjoyable the majority of the characters are, and how well written the overall narrative and house leaders are. The core gameplay is as strong and effective as ever, and the teaching loop is satisfying as hell (although it does get tedious towards the end of the game). I wish it had the visual polish to back the rest of the experience up though. Overall, it’s one of the best overall offerings the Switch has to offer, and a great entryway into the FE series.

At its core, it's Smash - even with the controversial new mechanics, its a blast to play with a good group of people. Besides that though, almost everything else about this version specifically feels like a let down. I like the new character additions but the side modes are insanely weak, especially compared to 3DS' offerings. I don't think I'll ever return to the game honestly.

The initial building process is fun as hell - offers the same satisfaction as building a LEGO set, and I love it. Sadly, the things to "play" with afterwards are not nearly enjoyable. Still loved my initial time with it though, no regrets at all

This game has no reason to now exist with Deluxe out, but with that aside, it's still my favorite Mario Kart game. Battle system gets too much hate as well - it's broken and technically not good but with the right group can be fun as hell

My least favorite 3D Mario out there. Too many annoying mechanics like the blue coins, the lack of level variety because of the game's tie to a central theme, and the controls haven't aged as well as even 64. It's still a 3D Mario game at its core though - FLUDD opens up a lot of very fun avenues and the sense of speed it brings is great, and traversing through levels is just as fun as ever.

One of my favorite games from the Wii era and the first Sonic game I ever played. The boost mechanic felt incredibly fresh and fluid at the time, and the sense of speed and platforming was great. Narrative wise it does the job, with decently witty writing. The variety in areas feels so alive and creative as well, with a kick ass OST to accompany such. Just a very fun game, would love a port to modern consoles in the near future.

I won't lie, my score is very strongly influenced by my personal attachment to this game. This and galaxy defined my incredibly influential Wii years - even with it's flood of problems. Subspace is just as good as everyone says, the new characters are some of the best any of the games have added, and even the single player content is pretty damn good in this form. Not one I'd really return to today but it'll forever hold a special place in my heart.

Resort is very close in score for me to Sports. It's definitely more inconsistent in quality because of the much larger game catalog, but the ones that work WORK incredibly well and offers a great time. A pretty damn good attempt at trying to replicate the original hit

Perfect definition of the magic the Wii era has to offer

Very decent collection of characters and mini games. Over world traversal solid as well. Just very fun to see such a well rounded catalog of Pokemon interacting with each other in a more natural manner, it's nice

It's poor reputation serves it right. The car mechanic sucks - even the mini stars never worked as well as regular stars. It's a shame because besides DS, the track record of the Party games have been so inconsistent in the last few generations

This game rocks.

It's as generic as an anime story/characters can be, but it's an insanely enjoyable ride through, with a genuine masterpiece of a turn based battle system. Was a big fan of the music and overall aesthetic as well. The encore improvements feel so great having never fully beaten the original. It has its fair shares of flaws but it's truly an unforgettable experience for me.

One of the better Kirby titles. It's a bit more challenging than the others and has a little more variety that equates into a very enjoyable and fun going platformer


It's age shows and it's more of a neat technical marvel to look back on from time to time, but I still think it holds some value in at least a couple hours of play.

My favorite one in the series. I loved the single player focused story mode, the snow themed mini games, and sick Dream Events. One of the best mini game collections out there