Overwatch gets way too much hate to this day, at least on the non-competitive side. Having now played easily dozens of hours across three different platforms, the core gameplay loop and cast selection never gets old. I love the wacky and incredibly polished charm the game has and I still find myself perfecting the characters I've played over and over. I'm by no means good yet still find so much enjoyment in a genre I'm not too familiar with. Really hoping Overwatch 2 delivers in providing the meaningful single player experience I've been looking for.

BloodRoots was a very promising title to me, after coming off of the great PAX demo and the Katana Zero like death system. I think it does a great job in distinguishing itself in its 3D sandbox environments, but relies too much on the core gameplay being strong enough on its own. Too much of a focus on narrative (which is a shame because the writing is quite witty), and the level design becomes frustratingly unfair towards the end. I still had a great time with it though, and for $3 on sale, I have no regrets.

Quite possibly the most boring game I've ever played. Every time I pick it up to finally give it a fair chance I immediately grow tired by the third world. My least favorite in the series

Miles does a lot well in following up 2018. It further enhances the already fantastic combat, adds more unique style and charm to the character and New York, and refines the side content to a more digestible degree. And while It’s still an incredibly fun time, it barely leaves a lasting impact compared to 2018, always leaving it a step behind

I absolutely adore the art style and polish like most but it translates into some of the most frustrating and janky gameplay I've experienced. I think it's well worth checking out for most though.

Feel like i've greatly limited my experience by playing it on 3DS - solid platformer at best though

Addicting for a good month, then it just kinda flops in comparison

An even better experience than the game itself. It improves in almost every category, but isn't a full leap a sequel will hopefully deliver on.

I'll be honest, gen 1 is still my favorite generation, so I have a soft spot of the game. It's cryptic at times direction though has not aged well, along with its slower pace

Great reminder of the wonder Nintendo still holds over the gaming market to this day. Always fun no matter who I played it with, great way to have started out the Switch's life cycle with.

A very solid mini game collection, with a decent collection of characters and events to do the title justice. I overall prefer the winter games though

I've failed to really grasp onto Puyo Puyo as a whole, and I didn't find any of the side modes that engaging. Enjoyed the Tetris aspect quite a lot though and the story mode offered a neat time from what I played.