Top 22 Adventure Games of All Time

There are, at last count, somewhere over four hundred point-&-click-type adventure games, but I can report that almost all of them just plain suck. Here are the tiny handful of adventure games that are actually worth playing. Prob'ly a few more good ones out there that I haven't played yet.

This game's best with the voice acting turned off.
If possible, avoid the tolerable but inferior 'Definitive Version', which sucks out a great deal of the original game's visual charm.
Beware the uglified 'Remastered' version.
Beware the uglified 'Remastered' version.
In this case, the Remastered version's actually better than the original: The characters are in better resolution, the game's way less buggy, and the scenery's unaltered.
Beware the horrendous 'Special Edition' version.
The greatest of all video games. Beware the ghastly 'Special Edition' version.


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