The best game Tim will ever make.

Great world and aesthetics, nice premise, but the gameplay's not that hot. Just another Arkham knock-off with some little twists that don't really mean jack.

More shark-jumping, and more of the same in general.

Really nice to see a game this good in a GTA-dominated world.

The better of the two. Absolutely stellar with the restoration mod.

Good ol' campaign shooter fun. Sequel when?

Takes a while to get going, and religiously follows the BioWare formula, but still worth playing.

Not a lot of tomb raiding, but still a pretty good AAA title.

I'd say just buy the sequel, but I'll recommend anyway as the game's still good.

Keeps the pretentiousness of Bastion--tries way too hard. Gameplay is improved, and it still looks beautiful, but something just didn't click for me.