Pretty awful. The scariest thing in the game is probably the consolisation. No quicksaves, huge HUD, somehow less technically impressive than the first. It's just not good. No clever use of space for the horror scenes, or any creativeness for the scares at all. It's pretty much just Alma grabbing you, a specimen jumping at you, or being teleported to some hell swing. I'd say avoid this.

Absolutely awful. They made F.E.A.R. into co-op cover based regenerating health point scoring bullshit. Such a quality drop even from 2, which was by no means a passable sequel. Do yourself a favour and just play the first one. Make up your own conclusion to the story, because I'll be willing to bet it won't be as inane as this one.

Absolutely stellar game, and a fantastic port (only issue is the cutscenes being pre-rendered, and looking crap in comparison to gameplay). It can be a little challenging at times, and the difficulty spikes may seem unfair, but if you take your time and save often, you'll be fine. The gameplay is a little on the clunky side, but you'll be no doubt spending plenty of time with this title, so its quirks will become second nature. The story is actually surprisingly decent despites its cliches, with some solid character development and pay offs. Also, look up the mods for high def models and icons, and the one to remove the canvas borders if that suits.

I definitely recommend this title.

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At first I thought it was just pretentiously over-explained symbolism, but then the third act twist hit me off guard and made me see the game differently. This lasted for all of three seconds before I realised that it made very little sense. Why would the narrator present Coda's work as mentally unsound when the entire project is seemingly an act of apology for doing so? Why would the narrator keep the streetlights in even though he placed them there, which he is supposedly so sorry for? It's just awful execution of a twist which could have actually been decent. If the player reached the 'reveal room' and the narrator attempted to carry it off as a sign of Coda's depressed delusion, then there could have been some interesting ambiguity towards the suppoded circumstances surrounding the game. Instead, much like the over-explained symbolism thoughout, the conflict is dealt with stupidly heavy-handedly.

Considering narrative is all this game has, and that it fails to pull it off, I would not recommend this game.

It's a good game. Very simple, but the bosses are creative with their patterns. It's hard, too, but never feels unfair. You always know where you messed up. There are a couple bosses that I think are a bit too punishing. Like, you figure out how you're meant to beat them, but putting it into practice is mostly luck. Still a great game, though.

It's good, but very janky. The gameplay is awful. The timed dialogue system is fantastic, and so is its content for the most part. The ending I got wasn't very satisfying at all, but I still enjoyed the game in general.

I've only played after the 1.4 patch, which is supposed to have fixed a lot of issues. I would say that this is definitely the case, as even while playing mostly single player, I had a good time. Haven't delved into the endgame, but simply doing the general Ubisoft fare of filling out the map and collecting resources was very satisfying for me. Would recommend.

Surprisingly good. Beautiful art, nice rounded story, interesting enough characters. Would definitely recommend.

Enjoyed it. A worth successor to Human Revolution, and I think it surpasses it in a few areas. Unfortunately it didn't run too well for me (970, 1440p), but it was mostly fine outside of the hub. Shame its scope isn't larger. Only one major hub is a bit of a let down. Still a good game, though.


It has no right being this good. It just plays so well.

Exceeded my expectations

Edit: still exceeded

Some annoying bugs if you're going for a non-lethal run, but overall pretty good. Excellent atmosphere; feels very nice to play. Story and dialogue leave a lot to be desired, though.