Ironically enough, this is technically the first 3d Zelda-like game as it predates Ocarina of Time by a few months. Ocarina of Time is a far better title, but that doesn't mean this isn't good. It's got a solid soundtrack ,good graphics for its time, cool areas to explore, and MECH FIGHTS! The plot is wacky and the game is genuinely funny. Only criticisms are the jumping in this game can be weird at times, the dungeons are a bit too simple, and the game isn't very long. Even with all of these in mind, is still an underrated N64 classic definitely worth playing.

Being someone who is both a fan of Senran Kagura and one who is interested in playing more games like Wave Race, I can't recommend this title. The Senran characters are DLC, the tracks are a bit too long, and the game has a janky feel to it. Most of the time I played it, I really just wanted to play Wave Race instead. The minigames were decent and the platinum trophy is pretty easy but those aspects are not enough to justify buying this.

An excellent first title to a fantastic game series. Combat is a bit more simple compared to future DMC titles but this game is a good predecessor to those, has a pretty fair level of difficulty, and has a unique charm of its own that later games in the series were never able to recapture. Some bosses can be annoying. Nightmare can go to Hell.

My first time playing Circus Charlie was all the way back in my childhood when my brother bought one of those bootleg plug-and-play consoles from my mall's toy store that came with a bunch of NES roms. That console introduced me to a handful of NES classics that I would come to enjoy such as the first Mario game, Popeye, Ice Climber, and this game of course. When I had it, I only got past the first couple of levels due to my lack of skill and the console eventually breaking. Those NES games became a memory for a little while until I eventually got curious and discovered what emulation was thanks to my curiosity of wanting to play Circus Charlie again.

One small issue I have with this port is it is missing a level from its arcade counterpart, which is the trampoline level. I assume it was due to technical limitations but it still sucks nonetheless. The other five levels are intact and they include riding on a lion hopping over rings of fire, walking on a tight rope jumping over monkeys, jumping from ball to ball, riding a horse, and swinging on the trapeze. As you can tell, a lot of jumping is involved and the levels will require you to have good timing and precision with your jumps as the levels get more difficult as you progress. It's pretty hard when you get to the horse and trapeze, but satisfying when you beat all 5 levels.

One last tidbit I'd like to mention is that this port of the game never got an official localization. You could get the Arcade Archives version of the original arcade release or play that version on those Konami classic collections on Ps1 & DS. but having this version on NSO would still be a neat addition to have. It's a criminally underrated NES game and you should totally emulate it.

Easily one of the laziest titles Nintendo has ever released. It's pretty much New Super Mario Bros Wii but with nostalgia bait like the dino minibosses in Mario World and the Raccoon Leaf. It technically isn't a bad game, but there is so much more than Nintendo could have done with this instead of just lazily rehashing the Wii game.

The best pack-in game you could ever ask for. Each sport does a fantastic job at utilizing the Wii's motion controls and it is just a blast to play this with friends. I will never forget all the memories I've had playing this game with family and friends. The mii customization also enhances the experience as you could make Miis of pretty much anything which can definitely lead to some goofy shenanigans. To sum it up, Wii Sports is a must-have assuming it didn't already come with your Wii.

Pretty faithful retelling of the story up until the 2 year time skip. While the platforming in the main log is a unique gimmick in this title, I can't say I really enjoyed it and felt like it detracted from the experience. The game is at it's peak with the other logs that allow you to play as the other characters and annihilate hundreds of enemies in one level. It does get repetitve too, but thats most likely the case with every Warriors game. One Piece fans will most likely enjoy it, but there are definitely better Warriors titles out there.

Just a mediocre Smash clone that could have been great if it had better devs and a bigger budget. The roster is pretty good but it is still missing a handful of characters that deserved to be included like the Eds, Finn & Jake, and Courage. Story mode is basically just Subspace Emissary from Brawl but worse and way easier. Not really worth getting unless PSN still has this game available for $1.

Besides the ugly character models and glitches, I had a lot of fun playing this maining Phoenix Wright & Servbot when it was still alive. Wish Capcom was able to port this to consoles and salvage it after Capcom Vancouver shut down. Really wanted to see Zero and Vergil in the game but sadly that will never happen now.

A fun crane game where you can get badges to decorate your 3ds. There are some microtransactions for extra tries but they are pretty fair given they are cheap and what the badges can be used for. It's free and definitely worth downloading if you have a 3ds. I also thought the bunny was adorable and occasionally humorous.

Update: RIP 3ds Eshop, gone but not forgotten.

The jumping is awful but the game itself is a fun timewaster with some challenge. Despite my enjoyment of this game, I will say that it does not have the staying power for me to go through all 30+ mountains in one sitting.

Update: I finally got around to beating all 32 levels in one sitting. It does start to get tiresome toward the end but it is still enjoyable to play through.

A very stupid and extremely addictive way to waste your time. There were a few times where I spent at least an hour just mindlessly tapping my phone screen watching my dogecoin count slowly rise. After I got to over a trillion and losing my progress, I eventually lost interest and most likely will never play this again. My IQ might have gone down 5 points from playing this, but at least it was something to do when the pandemic happened. 420/69 game.

I went into this game expecting it to be a meh game with an easy completion/plat, but I came out of this pleasantly surprised. Its very reminiscent of Katamari Damacy but instead of rolling things around with a ball, you instead control a moving hole that gets larger with the more you suck in. The only flaw I have with this game is that it is a little bit too short. This is a title definitely worth checking out especially if its on sale.

A unique horror game series that deserves its popularity. The main horror aspect of FNAF is frantically watching the cameras and doors to make sure you don't get greeted by Chuck E Cheese's long-lost siblings. The first couple of nights are pretty easy, but by the final night its pretty much what I just described. All I can say is I really wish I played this sooner.

Take the first game and inject it with steroids and you get this sequel. By the time you get to night 5, you will likely want to pull your hair out but in a good way. You will have to multitask and use every tool at your disposal as fast as humanly possible at all times. Best stroke of my life, very much recommend.