every character acts like they've been strapped down to a chair and were forced to listen to barney youtube poop remixes at ear rape volume

terrible sequel to roblox

wendys 4for43

im pretty sure this is the prequel to lego island 1 because the infomaniac isnt a full blown psychopath yet. but yea this games good. my ass hurts.

this game is epoc


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Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap? I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days -- it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Minecrap?

i never played this i just want to say todd howard is a fuckin weirdo lmao in a morrowind test room labled "toddtest" or whatever there is a naked cat lady what the fuck is your problem todd.

This game is gar-bitch (portmanteu of garbage and bitch (I made that term up (lol yea ik im good like that))) but sonic's friends have good graphics, so because of that i will give it a 3 stars.

If Mario Paint has 41,664 dots available (judging from page 112 of the Mario Paint Player's Guide), and 15 different colors to choose from, then did you know that there are a total of 1,978,857,121,979,410,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different possible images to create on a single page? That's a lot, eh? Just thought I'd tell you.

i know toby maguire has had it rough in his acting career lately but he didnt really need to go all out and make caveman spiderman 2

uh oh!!! brett favre stole the mommy milky again!!! in this game u play as john madden, as you chase brett favre running away from you because john madden's obsession with brett favre has finally taken him over.

burnout for idiot people. yes i did play this on the 3ds not the iphone version trust me i dont even have an iphone. why would i ever lie to you.

Sent from my iPhone.

im BANANAS for this game, i hope we never split.

(did u get it like when i say split its a double entendre and play on words for the fact that i said i am bananas for this game, and also hoping i dont get seperated from it hah ik im realky good.

this is the ipad version of the classic mad pidgeons

imac, iphone, ipod, ipad, ipaid, ipeedandshiddedandfardedandcamed

sonic 4 more like chronic bore HAH KNEE SLAP GOTEEM. xD

in this game you play as seth rogen taking revenge on the north koreans for cancelling The Interview. for some fucking reason, the same embarrassing things i talked about in my last review of far cry comes back to bite this game in the pooper, but this time the game is actually good.