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Hyperion96 followed kirbb

5 mins ago

martinipah finished Lobotomy Corporation

Although daunting at first, once you get deep enough into the game and begin to understand how all systems and mechanics work and interact with each other, the real magic begins. Keeping track of every abnormality in the facility and how it affects each situation is the core of the game, and I'm simply amazed at how the developers were able to cohesively make everything work together. It's not without its bugs and performance issues, you can tell that this game was made on a budget and how everything is held together by duct tape and the programmers' hopes and dreams, but nonetheless it's incredible.

Speaking of cohesiveness, lobotomy corporation is one of the best examples I've seen in a game of both the gameplay and the story helping elevate each other. The core supressions were some of the best parts for me, everything from the music to the mechanics work together to tell the characters' stories and immerse you into the setting. Project Moon really nailed the feeling of working in a grim facility full of dangerous monsters, and even the brutal and harsh nature of the gameplay reinforces the themes of the story.

I really recommend giving this game a chance, it's time consuming and you may drop it due to the difficulty (which is fine, I did so myself and picked it up again a few months later), but in the end the experience of pushing through is one of the most rewarding things I've ever gotten out of a game.

48 mins ago

chandler commented on Depth's review of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
impossible to figure out where to go?

bro you go to the other side of the screen

51 mins ago

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Ardwyw_mp3 is now playing Sand Land

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