I think that, for most Pokémon fans, you'd be able to overlook all of the technical issues in this game and be able to thoroughly enjoy one of the best Pokémon games in recent memory, however, I am learning about myself that maybe I'm not 'most Pokémon fans', maybe I'm not 'Pokémon fans' at all, maybe the novelty has worn out on me and maybe I can't be arsed with the monotony of the turn based combat and the copium of trying to convince myself that it's absolutely fine for a triple A game to release in an abhorrent buggy state such as this... Sort it out, Game Freak... Palworld is coming for yo ass

An incredibly funny, brilliant, creative game that gave me hours of fun. I also really appreciated that I could pick it up, play a few levels and then come back later. I would recommend everyone play this game, you don't need to know anything about golf - I certainly don't!

It's clear that a lot of love and care has been put into this game and it is a lot of fun with plenty to do. My daughter and I had a lot of fun meeting all of our favourite Disney characters, visiting their worlds and having them move in to our village.

To be honest, we barely scratched the surface of what this game has to offer but the grind became a bit too much and we decided to move on to another game in our huge backlog.

I imagine we'll dip back into this game at some point, however, if we never do, we had a lot of fun!

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"Hey guys, I know we're making a survival game but how about we make a tower defence mission?"

"Yeah, great idea, lets also make it really bloody difficult"

"Not far enough! Lets make it so it's a mandatory mission right at the end of the game!"

"Great idea, Jeff!"

This is how I imagine the conversation went but it was a decision that has lead me to hate this game. I didn't sign up for a tower defence game so don't force me to play one. It was reminiscent of when I played Brutal Legend back in the day, a 3D beat-em-up game that suddenly became an RTS for no reason, I quit the game shortly after that.

We spent quite a while building defences, using a lot of our hard earned resources only to get clapped by an army of different bugs before we'd even made it a third of the way through the mission. Now, I know what you're thinking - Get good - and you'd be right, however, another problem I have with this game is that it's a buggy mess (Pun intended).

I lost count of the amount of times I went looking for a rain drop to quench my thirst, found one on a blade of grass and cut the grass down only for the droplet to stay perfectly still in the air - Turns out, that droplet doesn't actually exist and you can't drink it. By the end of the game, there were so many rain drops floating in the air, it was ridiculous.

Another bug we encountered was when we were in a cave and then had to quickly go back to the base because we were being attacked. We died in the cave and then teleported back to our home base, only for the game to remain as dark as it was in the cave (Regardless of the fact that we were outside in the middle of the day). We had to try to fight an army of Orb Weaver spiders in the dark and it proved difficult. During this encounter, another bug occurred, one of the Orb Weaver spiders had ascended to godhood which meant that it could happily destroy our base and kill us but we couldn't hurt it at all, we had to wait until it got bored and left, after which there was almost nothing left of our base and we had to rebuild again.

Aside from all of these issues, I just found the game wholly uninteresting and the characters unlikeable, which is a shame because I had enjoyed the prospect of a 'Honey, I shrunk the kids!' videogame.

Another incredible Spider-Man game, they took what made the first one so good and built on it, making the world traversal faster and a lot of fun (Nothing beats a good bit of web-swinging though) and an incredible story with one of the greatest villains of all time. I heard a lot of complaining about this game being short but I think it was perfect. Insomniac don't miss, I can't wait to see what their next game is like.

A very fun game especially if you're into this genre but, even if you're not, you'll have a great time with it. Combat feels a little slow and complicated at times and the game is certainly not without its bugs, however, Baldur's Gate 3 is a great time with lots of choices, stories to discover, and an eclectic cast of characters with an incredible amount of dialogue.

My wife and I played this game together, completing it in around 90 hours, we've also finished Divinity Original Sin 2 in the past as well and had a lot of fun with that as well, I would probably say I preferred DOS2 in fact, I think I just vibed with the mechanics a bit more than BG3.

We had a bit of a horrible time in the final battle, so much so that I turned the difficulty down to 'Story' and proceeded to beat it in our next attempt - I would argue it was probably TOO easy at that point, the victory felt quite hollow, if I'm honest.

In any case, we had a good time with this game and look forward to the next installment (Or, hopefully, Divinity Original Sin 3) even though we weren't necessarily the target audience. I look forward to having a bit more free time now.

This game has taken years off my life, especially that final boss fight. My 7-year-old daughter wanted me to play this game so I obliged, however, my stance on Pikmin games remains the same - They are stressful and I don't enjoy them. I get such a feeling of anxiety at the thought of losing even a single Pikmin so imagine my distress when I took to the final battle and lost so... so many Pikmin... But I'm happy to report that I finished the game and with my sanity still in tact - Let's see if this is still true after we inevitably face the 4th installment in the franchise. Wish my luck.

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This game is hot garbage. I played it with my 7-year-old daughter (Who, frankly, could have written a better story and better dialogue) and the whole experience was painful. The combat is awful, the platforming is janky, the co-op is a nightmare because if you get even a little bit too far away from your partner, you just despawn - often for no reason at all - and then you have to press a button to spawn back in again. We sped-run through the story and even that was too much for me, there's no chance in hell that I'm going back to get all the collectibles, I don't care how cool the unlockable outfits are. Also, I waited the entire game to find out when this so-called 'Sphinx' was going to 'rise'... How is a butterfly a sphinx anyway?!

A fun little climbing sim that adds new mechanics as you progress that keep it fresh but never makes it too challenging. The art style is cute and colourful and the story is inspired. I wasn't sure how much fun I was going to have climbing up a mountain but it was actually very enjoyable.

A fun game but I felt the combat quite repetitive and didn't enjoy that the battles took place in spaced out arenas, I would have preferred the enemies were just spread out throughout the levels. I also found most of the music to be boring and repetitive, haven't managed to finish this one but may come back to it at some point. The levels and the game in general were a lot longer than I had imagined and it began to felt quite monotonous.

This game is an absolute masterpiece. The puzzles are unlike anything I've ever played before, so creative and well thought-out, the game does a great job of guiding you through it, I didn't feel lost at any point. There was certainly a few times towards the end of the game where I felt like I didn't know how to complete a puzzle but I eventually worked out how to do it and would constantly be blown away by how smart the puzzles were, as well as feeling a sense of satisfaction for working it out myself. The game was a short but perfect experience, I was surprised that the quality of the puzzles stayed consistent all the way through. Would highly recommend to anyone who enjoys puzzle games, this is a must play.

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I played this with my wife, it took us roughly 5 hours to roll credits. We found that the characters were kind of dull and the story was uninspired, once you work out that all of the scary things you're seeing are all a result of the hallucinogenic gas your characters are inhaling, it makes the game a lot less scary and makes the choices a lot easier to make - Oh, there's something attacking me, it's obviously not real so it's probably just one of my other characters attacking me and acting could result in that character dying, I'll just do nothing. In the end, we escaped with all of our characters alive and well and feeling dissatisfied.

A fantastic game, I expected no less from Insomniac after playing through the first Spider-Man. I noticed a few more bugs with this title over the other one, for some reason. I also wish it could have been a bit longer but I loved my time with Miles Morales and his unique set of skills, very much looking forward to Spider-Man 2.

As a beginner jumping in to Destiny 2, I found the combat very impressive and a lot of fun. I enjoyed the few intro missions that I played until I was suddenly overwhelmed by things to do and found the whole thing very daunting, not really knowing where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to do. As a beginner, the learning curve is very steep. Great gun play though, I can't fault the combat.

An absolutely fantastic game and a solid remake. I had a great time playing this game, I didn't play much of the original so it was nice to be able to finally roll credits on Link's Awakening. Unfortunately, I did experience some stuttering issues while moving between some areas but I generally loved the art style of the game and the way it felt to play. I didn't think that I would find this game too challenging to complete, with the inclusion of the phone booths, however, I found myself having to research stuff constantly throughout my playthrough, which was a bit frustrating at times but I still appreciated how the game doesn't hold your hand, a real testament to how difficult the games of old were. All in all, I had a lot of fun playing this game and would definitely recommend it to any Zelda fans, especially if you never got around to touching the original.