A nice upgrade over the last game in terms of puzzles, survival and combat. Now, the combat is completely useless and you can only run and hide, which increases the difficulty ten fold. In Overture, you can maul every single enemy that stands in your way if you master the combat; can't say the same here.

This feels more ancient than Amnesia - which is in of itself pretty ancient. The gameplay is fun, the game is really not that scary and puzzles are nice. The combat is JANK as fuck though; I really have no clue why they decided to include it to begin with.

Very innovative, I just wish that it was longer. This is the type of game, where you can kind of say it has unlimited content, because of custom maps and mods. But a lot of those mods lack the charm of these developers.

Classic soundtrack, classic characters, great story, nice mission variety, good amount of humor and surrealism sprinkled in - this was the icing on the cake. This was truly when Rockstar perfected their formula, this was literally the perfect game when it came out.

the fucking JANK in this was nothing short of INSANE. But, I can't deny that this game changed the gaming world forever and truly put Rockstar on the map.

Very fun party game, the physics are kind of all over the place for this, but, still cool nonetheless.

The horror was something else on this game, FR. The story and the characters were nice and the plot twist was something else.

Classic, absolutely groundbreaking for it's time. Great protagonist, great OST, very fun gameplay, tight shooting mechanics on a game this old is quite impressive. This game was lightyears ahead of it's time.

A super fun survival horror game with some really dark themes and story. The main character is pretty cool, his voice actor was horrible IMO. Only taking off a star because this was made on GoldSource and is pretty janky and unstable, even on modern machines.

Nice little Co-op puzzle game. Very fun with a friend, very short though.

Wow, what an adventure. If you're looking for something that has WEEKS of content and entertainment look no further than this.

Nice and varied gameplay, the horror was psychological rather than having some cheap Jumpscares, even though there was some in this game, but it is no biggie. The story was Fantastic, might I add; and the twist, fucking amazing. The puzzles were very nice and required some critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The gameplay is nothing short of a walking simulator but it is VERY SURREAL, like, VERY VERY SURREAL. And the narrator does a good job enforcing that.


Story was very unique and interesting, Gameplay was challenging and genuinely frightening. It was missing some of that Frictional Games "touch" but, still it was pretty good.

The best and most realistic weapons simulation in any game EVER. The voice actor does an amazing job with the script he's been given. This game is challenging to the MAX, and it is a very fun kind of challenge don't get me wrong. The lore is amazing and is absolutely limitless, The Compound is fun to dick around in and complete challenges and puzzles.