Everything I played for spooky month 2021 ranked

Nothing here!

Altered Beast
Altered Beast
Castlevania: Dracula X
Castlevania: Dracula X
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Metamorphic Force
Metamorphic Force
Night Slashers
Night Slashers
Parasite Eve
Parasite Eve
Silent Hill
Silent Hill
Silent Hill: The Arcade
Silent Hill: The Arcade
Sweet Home
Sweet Home
The Typing of the Dead
The Typing of the Dead


2 years ago

howy shit you wose fwom youw gwave

2 years ago

Elmer Fudd did an amazing job voice acting

2 years ago

how's sweet home?, it has been on my backlogg forever and I'm not sure to give it a try

2 years ago

Really addicting. I'll copy paste my review of it.

"One of the most important survival horror games and RPGs ever. Honestly, the constant item swapping was surprisingly addictive and I appreciate how ballsy Capcom was to make a limited amount of healing across the game. I think they went overboard with puzzles like the blue candles and the endings are quite silly but the raw ambition and charm carry it hardcore. It's cool to see a game like this with an emphasis on permadeath as well. Also, even with 8-bit graphics, a lot of the enemy designs managed to be disturbing."

If you like those old school survival horror games of the tank control era, it has a lot to offer throughout. I give it about a 4/5, would be higher but the endgame was kinda weak. Either fan translation is fine for different reasons (original feels much more polished but the new one has several minor issues that kinda just add up despite being more accurate and keeping a few details lost in the original translation)

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