I had always been offput by the art-style but man I am so glad I played it. It is so so so fun to go through this game and experience the story how it is told through the deaths of the members of the Obra Dinn in vibrant and exciting scenes that you walk through and uncover. The puzzle element of finding out the name of the crew and how they died is always interesting and thank god for the system that correct you when you get 3 right at a time cause I would of lost mind if I didn't have that. I played this with a friend who had already played it so she helped me out when I needed it but never gave me the answer straight away so I would say a non-spoiler guide can be a help in this game to truly enjoy it while having a interesting, sometimes challenging, and amazing puzzle to uncover in the return of the Obra Dinn.

Its an okay game, a walking sim with... some "puzzles" and its story serves it purpose. Its just okay but I do really like the voice acting and the aesthetic of the game is really enjoyable sometimes but it's a short game and that is okay. I think the ending was really bland though and could of been better.

Amazing game, I love all the characters in the main cast so much especially Aigis, Akihiko, and even Koromaru (I cared so much about that dog that I cried sometimes) and I feel as it improved the groups dynamic compared to the original P3 game. The themes of the story are incredibly well written and I love how much the story pulls at you and makes you feel deeply about what is happened. The gameplay is just as fun or a little less fun that P5R and I LOVE the theurgies in this game and the personas are always so so so cool. My only complaints is that Tartarus, while a very cool concept, gets really repetitive and boring at some point usually in the middle of the game and that end game is somewhat a drag with not much to do but besides those two things this game is incredible and everyone should play it at least once in their life.

This is peak. Literally peak. One of my new favorite games of all time. So fun and intriguing. So full of adventure and wonderful story telling. This game literally has changed my view of life (exaggerating) but this game is literally in my top 10 games of all time. I love everything... everything about this game. The characters are all so amazing and the voice acting... ARUAAGAHH INCREDIBLE. I love the gameplay and combat and I love the dice mechanic and everything else about it. Totally deserved game of the year 2023. I wish I could of beaten it soon but life be life that. Larian please make a sci-fi game please.

Fun little game!! Just lethal company but you record to meet the quota instead of selling junk LOL. Didn't get to play much as the game does crash sometimes for me or servers are just not functioning properly but besides that I love watching the video you make at the end. Left me and my friends laughing way too loud.

This game is incredible. It is so fun to play and it is so fun to discover everything and the log/rumor system is so great. I love the mystery and I love the story of the alien race before your own and the ending... it gets you, at least it got me. It is just long enough too which I appreciate so much. It isn't hard to beat besides some things that I needed a guide to find out what to do next but I once I did I still enjoyed the experience. The anglerfish monsters are so terrifying... I never want to experience that part again LOL.


This review contains spoilers

This game is such a interesting take on Greek myth and how it forms Zagreus story when he is such an obscure character in Greek myth itself. Super Giant brilliantly was able to turn Zagreus from a minor myth into an heartfelt and engaging myth of love, family, and persevering through hardship no matter the cost and ultimately being the god of blood. The games combat is so well made and is one of the only roguelikes I LOVE as it integrates storytelling into it beautifully. The weapons as are so fun to use with the Twin Fist being my favorite to use with the spear coming right behind. How each run is different and offers new and engaging aspects and boons to use makes the game always fresh and never a bore to do. Dying is never a bad thing either as there is so much to do in the House of Hades and I would never be angry if I died but instead just say "oh well, at least I can upgrade/build [insert thing you can upgrade/build] now" so that was really nice. This does have to be one of the best games I have ever played to be completely honest and I will stand proud to say that. Also everyone is just so hot in this game like what the hell... Dionysus, Nyx, Thanatos, and Megaera are the first to come to mind LOL. Play this game even if you don't like roguelikes, It might change your opinion like it did mine! I can't wait for Hades II now. DEATH TO CRONOS!!!!!!!