Insanely addictive to the point that I'm sure they put crack in it.

It's crazy how everything BUT the gameplay is mostly good! Seriously, just save yourself the time and watch the one hour's worth of cutscenes on YouTube for the best experience.

Those first few runs up the tower were magical. With every challenge passed and another color chip added, I could feel the tension rise as I neared that top floor. Side Order is excellent at this risk-vs-reward type of gameplay, and it really has room to shine depending on how much you're willing to put into it. For me however, I found myself counting down how many more runs I'd have to do before I could finally put this DLC down. While multiple runs are encouraged, I feel that more variety could have been implemented into the enemies/levels to necessitate such an order (heh, pun). While I think I enjoy Octo Expansion and Return of the Mammalians more as single-player campaigns, this is still pretty good and worth the price for the neat bonuses alone!

Trains, Teenage Mutant Nnja Turtles, and Family Guy are more than enough to satiate my autism and reasons to dump more money into this game. While the new modes didn't wow me in the slightest and the initial changes to the game's movement were pretty rough, I mean, c'mon man. I can literally fly the Petercoptor as Donatello then hit the griddy.

You know exactly what kind of game this is. You're either playing it for the easy Achievements/Trophies or you're one of four people on this site who played it alongside its actual target demographic.

A neat novelty game that's far past its prime. While I managed to bring over a few of my past teams from prior playthroughs and see them in glorious 3D, that alone wasn't enough to keep me from just having a few battles and calling it quits.

(Figured I might as well get this one logged in before the Wii U's online services completely shut down.)

To Mario Kart 8's credit, it came out at the perfect time for me personally. I was an adopter of the doomed Wii U in the early winter of 2014, and I needed that game to come out. That game I needed would be the one to finally give me an answer as to why I begged Santa to get me this lousy console for Christmas that previous year. And boy, did Mario Kart 8 deliver. Now, did I feel like any less of a loser for having a Wii U at that time? No, not really, but this game was still plenty great! And while it's obviously been cast aside by its near-flawless Deluxe counterpart, I can still remember all of the summer days I spent grinding on this particular game online.

I think I've played enough of this game alone and with family to finally determine that this may be the best Mario Party game I've ever played. While that's not necessarily a tall order (I've only played the Mario Party games past 8), it's still amazing because Superstars was not only a fantasic experience, but it made me want to go back and explore the history of all these past games I missed out on!

It's crazy to look back and see just how close this game came to never being finished due to the collapse of the original Telltale Games back in 2018. What a relief that it never happened, because this is a great finale that definitively closes the book on Clementine's story.

A game so bad and stupid that it's...kinda decent? I guess time has been kinder to this one than I thought, as I loathed it entirely back in 2017. But with the combination of hindsight and the following game correcting (most) of this game's mistakes, I'm much more forgiving of it. But I'd still love to know just what the hell Telltale was thinking when making certain parts of this sloppy mess of a game.

I'm pretty sure that this will be the last time I ever touch this game. It's a 3-hour slog that fails to justify its purpose in any significant way whatsoever. It's a dull trial that forces players through what is easily the most inconceivably boring story of any Telltale game, and it only gets worse with every replay. I feel bad saying it, but it's just a worthless experience that does nothing to flesh out Michonne's character in any meaningful way. Skip this one in its entirety.

After playing Crystal Version in 2022 and now replaying this, I think it's safe to say that I've taken the Johto pill and I now see the vision. This is the first time I've ever bothered re-reviewing a game on this site, but I just had to for the simple fact of how amazing this game was and how magical this last playthrough was for me. HGSS easily make their cases as THE best Pokémon remakes of all time, and it blows my mind how much I tried to overlook this region as a whole in years past. Play this game however you can, whether it be shelling out hundreds on an authentic copy or emulating it like a swash-buckling pirate!

While I grow to love the previous game more with every replay, I feel that the opposite can be said for this one. It just lacks the same emotional depth as the first game for me in addition to pairing Clem up with some of the most improbably idiotic characters in a game. It's actually fascinating to see how many of the issues that would lead to the eventual downfall of the original Telltale Games can be seen as early as this game.

I don't care how blatant of an attempt this was to cash in on the nostalgia of those seeking the old glory days of the Chapter 1 map. I mean, you must have done something right to have brought back the millions of players this one Season did. And the fact that Epic plans on bringing it back again in 2024 speaks volumes for how amazing this experience was and still can be.

In a world full of live service games itching to milk gamers for their last few dollars, be a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Booster Course Pass. While not as graphically fine-tuned as the main game, it's easy to overlook that fact simply due to the sheer volume of classic courses that make their return to what I can now say is easily the greatest Mario Kart game ever.