The Halloween game of all time.

I replayed this after watching the movie for the first time, it was a very surreal experience.

Time for my annual replay of this silly masterpiece.

I used to love playing Miitopia on my 3DS as a kid and not only does the Switch version bring back everything that was amazing about the original, it expands on it and improves it. The fun, innocent nature of this game just fills me with nostalgia as well.

This game makes me so calm and infuriates me at the same time.

Probably the closest we'll ever get to Portal 3 and I love how the time travel mechanic was used.

I did find myself trapped and confused a lot though

Yeah it's still a masterpiece.

I'll be playing this when Spider-Man 2 comes out because I'm too broke to afford a PS5.

In preparation for the spooky season

I love this buggy mess and my magic weed cat.

The ending literally left me staring blankly at the credits for five minutes.

Six is so silly, I can't believe she just consumed the essence of all those people like that.

I love Spider-Man.

That's it. That's the review.

I know it's a massive cliché now but this game really makes you FEEL like Spider-Man.

It only paved the way to one of the greatest games of all time.

No I'm not biased, why?