This game used to absorb so much of my time and it isn't even that good after a while. Like 85% of the enemies in this game are just draugrs.

This is just what high school is like in America

They should just stop making Persona vinyl until we get this music on a record. Goes insane.

Game's good too.

Pretty good but also extraordinarily short. It's a Schrodinger's 4-star for me depending on if it is or isn't on sale.

This review was written before the game released

Damn, this looks like the battle pass.

stop FUCKING calling me "EPIc Divorce Man", or i will terminate my pogo account and take my tokens wiht me. i am not a MEME, im a HUMAN BEIg

cringe ass nae nae baby goes to super hell

Adam Jensen if he only had an iphone instead of being made of them

Kind of sluggish, combat elements feel more aesthetic than functional. I get that they aren't supposed to be the focus but they came into contention with my enjoyment of the game too much.

It's probably good but I'm not the target audience.

Held back by a lack of real difficulty in its later remixes, but otherwise it's extremely good.

I would probably rate it more but fuck online only play.