10 reviews liked by Ceebs

I’ll never figure out why everyone acts like this game killed their grandma but I recall getting its strategy guide from Walmart cuz the devs think cryptic boss fights are funny

As I get older and finish more games from my backlog, more and more I appreciate a tidy handful of hours telling a streamlined story. It feels great to feasibly finish a game in one sitting and have a whole experience, and Firewatch provides exactly that. While you do have player choice that ultimately doesn't change the story, I like how the choices color your emotional experience with the main character without interfering with the A-plot. Having all of the interactivity of the game be completely diegetic was a fantastic design choice that helps you feel immersed in the world at all times. Pulling a map out in front of you and unfolding it while listening to the conversation on your walkie feels like you're really out there.

Good lord, there are so many things here i could say about this, but ill limit it to this.

Best damn platformer ive played in years, everything is perfect and flows so well. Peppino is my new spirit animal dont @ me

This is the greatest piece of media ever created, I adore it, both the first and second one, I honestly cannot pick between them, you cannot make me. 64 be damned, 3D Land/World be damned, Sunshine be FUCKING damned, Odyessy be mildly damned, THIS is both the pinnacle of Mario, the pinnacle of game design, the pinnacle of world-building/universe-building, the PEAK of any and all creativity in anything I've ever played, watched, or read. I can only give this 5 Stars (10/10) but actually... no, this is an 11/10 duology. An exception must be made for the truly exceptional.

simple gameplay but the atmosphere is crazy, had this on iOS when i was younger but never had the courage then to beat it and didn't bother til now when i decided to get it on steam and beat it. cant wait for the movie its gonna be great.

one of my goats fr 🫶

My fully grown aphid ate my crops, fucked my wife, took my job, sold my house, took my money, ran for president, became president, exiled me from the Earth and shot me out into space.
Writing this review in my last few breaths, very fun 11/10.