My Top 10 Favourite Games

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Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Played this when i was at the lowest point of my life, and it took multiple attempts for me to stomach continuing in its utterly bleak world. When i sat with it though, it was the most immersive and thought provoking game I've ever experienced. I don't want to say it saved me because that'd be lying, but this game was so expertly crafted it really shifted my perspectives.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - HD Edition
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - HD Edition
I didn't know what a Metal Gear was until MGS V hit me in 2015. I was absolutely hooked by that game for months, then some of my friends told me it was a disappointment.
Curious to see how or why, I was told to play MGS3 as it precedes the events of MGSV.
And it quickly become an all time favourite. Everything about the story, world and legendary boss encounters has me coming back when I can.
Night in the Woods: Weird Autumn Edition
Night in the Woods: Weird Autumn Edition
Yeah this one hit me like a tonne of bricks. The gameplay is simple and the world is absolutely gorgeous with a beautiful soundtrack. I needed this game at a time where all i could find was boring open world shit everywhere, and it has remained like a warm cushion.
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
I could never get into JRPG's for the longest time, but when i shrugged and gave persona 5 a chance i got sucked in at lightspeed into something magical.
The base game alone hade me absolutely captivated by the characters, music, score and visuals in a way very few games have done. The Royal release is the definitive experience with a truly incredible finale, and both games left me completely soulless after finishing for months.
Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0
A random recommendation by a friend of mine when i was still averse to Japanese games that gave me something truly unique. I love everything about this game, and it sent me down a rabbit hole of having Yakuza/Like A Dragon become my favourite franchise.
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2
The Mass Effect trilogy is incredibly goated. Nowhere else have I experienced such an emotionally charged and concise story experience flowing seamlessly across 3 stellar instalments.
It just so happens that the 2nd of those will always be close to my heart. Not only is it one of the greatest sequels of all time, but probably my favourite journey in a game period.
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition
Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition
Another unique game for me. I had played CRPGs in the past, but this gripped me and was both accessible and challenging. I adore the combat here, and the game just gets better and better with each step you take in the world, immersing you more and more.
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2
I didn't experience Half Life 2 until long after 2004, but it absolutely blew me away. Playing both Half Life games and somehow being more impressed by them than anything I've touched in the last 10 years is testament to how incredible Valve's mastery of environments and level design is.
Halo 3
Halo 3
Massive bias but every avid gamer has that one game that they've always been deeply connected to.
This was the catalyst for my love of video games (mainly for worse), and I would spend so many hours with my friends on couches messing around on custom games or replaying the campaign for the 1000th time.
I also think it's a flawless end to Bungie's trilogy, and I wish we could have said goodbye to Chief here. At least the MCC means multiplayer is available past the lifespan of the Xbox 360.
Mirror's Edge
Mirror's Edge
I've beaten Mirror's Edge so many times and i don't really know why, but it must be doing something for me. I think the combination of eerily serene dystopic world, amazing soundtrack, simple plot and tight gameplay just condenses into this fantastic little adventure. I've never really gotten over it, and while Catalyst gave me way more rooftops to run across, i'll always go back to the same ones from 2008


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