Awesome new pokemon, cool new features, Rayquaza is the best legendary ever. Overall a great pokemon game. -1 for how much you have to dive and surf in the late game. That's kind of annoying.

Good pokemon games but why would I ever play this when my copy of Emerald is sitting right beside it.

Just as good as its predecessors with more content. Also these are the only Pokemon games with a difficulty setting. Playing on challenge is some of the most fun I have ever played on a video game ever. Even 10 years later.

Great story, great graphics, so many new pokemon and most of them are awesome, great music. The Gen 5 pokemon games are the best way to experience what Pokemon has to offer.

These are great games, people are just salty they don't have all 900 or so pokemon and it's not a Breathe of the Wild clone. For once, the games feel like the anime with the pokemon roaming in the overworld and the crowd cheering as you take on gym leaders. -1 for no voice acting and dynamax. There are cutscenes in this game which should have voice acting but doesn't and it totally ruins the emersion. Also the DLCs are sweet.

Even as a 10 year old playing for the first time back in 2013, I was disappointed. Pokemon jumping to 3D is cool and all but there's not a lot of new pokemon, and most of them suck. Mega Evolution is cool but you only fight 2 of them through out the story. Story's kind of lame. Game's a cake walk even without the exp share.

Overrated but still a good game. Good graphics, cool story, epic legendaries and Cynthia is bae. Honestly I hate how many areas are only accessible through HMs and the limited pokedex.

Played the remastered version not the original.
Good platforming experience, nice visuals, interesting collectibles. I'll say no video game as made me as mad as this one. It made for a memorable time but -1 star for all the rage this game made me go through.

Played the remastered version not the original.
Some nice improvements over the first one but still a lot of rage. Not as much as the original but enough to remove a star.

Played the remastered version not the original.
So many new gameplay mechanics and features which is always good to see. Didn't rage so much with this so that's refreshing. Not a perfect score because this game can get really gimmicking at times. There might be as many vehicle sections as there are actual platforming levels.

This game is what very video game sequel should be. It's got the perfect blend between innovation and nostalgia.

This game has no continuity. One half of the game supposedly takes place between WFC and FOC but not really and the second half is the movies but also not really. Overall game's a mess. They replaced the multiplayer for in-game loot boxes? Why?

Kind of odd this game sets place before the movie. Story's short, gameplay's lacking. This game was the first game I ever got the platinum trophy for so a lot of nostalgia there.

If the movie had the story of these games, holy shit. Sadly, this game is on the DS. Also it's kind of lame you always play as your create a character not so much of the actually cool characters.

It's open world, but there isn't a whole lot to explore and do. Don't have to throw shit all the time like the first one so that's nice.