A really good remake. The graphics look flawless although the game can feel heavy on scripted moments. This disrupts the flow of the game quite often that it takes away much freedom from the player.



Outstanding combat with a immense attention to weapon/skill/magic builds and crazy intense boss battles. Challenging but never unfair or cruel!

This is still one of my favourite single player games with a great atmosphere that fit the time period really well.

One of my favourites in the series!


Fun game with lots of replay value. Looking forward to the sequel!

Time to mix drinks and change Lives!!

Did a full playthrough including all the DLC/Bonus quests with my Girlfriend and had a blast!

Felt all the emotions but Persona 5 was a wonderful experience to play for the first time!

Ryuji is best boy also!

Tons of fun zipping around the city. Combat is flawless as well!

The story telling is absolutely beautiful and a emotional journey throughout.

Had a really enjoyable time playing this with my Girlfriend on my second playthrough and love how much variety the game gives you with weapon/magic builds and how easy it is to sink hours upon hours into new game +

Fun with a friend/friends and a interesting world with some pretty cool locations and boss battles. The story isn't anything special but its a good game to sink time into.