Emo kid yells "Kyrie" for several hours then beats up the pope (featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series)

Good spin on the Mafia formula overall although the game does run into a few small story pacing issues during the halfway point.

Simply a phenomenal game that is extremely creative and brings a nice spoonful of horror to the table with a story you didn't expect.

I really enjoyed the game and Bayek. Gameplay was kinda lacking but the story was good!

"Great.. we have a dog now and Alistair is still the dumbest one in the party." -Morrigan

Campaign was a fun time but the cutscenes with Ghost was the best part of it all!

It took me only three hours to finish the game in one day but it felt like a chore from the opening ten minutes.


Great Cyberpunk atmosphere throughout the game! Also found the game really relaxing to play just driving through the city and talking to its many citizens.

There are a lotta things you can do with a hatchet and a nazi!

I named a follower after my own cat and he died from old age... But then I brought him back from the dead and spooked my other followers..

A lot in this game hasn't aged that well over time since its original release. But overall some great characters and a amazing soundtrack make up for its many flaws.

Everything a Sequel should be and more!

Great story with tense combat and a large open world to explore and discover.

Worst in the trilogy but the large mass of different locations to explore makes it feel like a well designed adventure.