19 hours played and beat it in two sittings... fantastic game lol

Just so much easier than the first, which is probably good story wise and for the average person but i got used to the challenge of the first game

lots of improvements from the first, still missing stuff like fast travel and item total in inventory while crafting

Felt like it was made in RTS maker if thats a thing. Felt like it was missing some basic QoL hotkeys that war3 gave me 20 years ago

glitched missions and couldnt continue but finally sunk some hours into it. probably not missing much on a full campaign

Load times on pc were so nice. can't hate people who quit the second you have to use an environmental suit lmao

Last playthrough till i play with my kid one day. full 120 stars this time

some cool scenes, easy puzzles, and dreadful combat

dropped my jaw so many times. some repetitive side quests and cheesy sci fi logic but so god damn cool all the way through. enjoyable platinum

looks so good on my new monitor


more variety this time, but a little too easy. enjoyed adding to the passive income

gave it a real shot this time but losing your base over and over sucks

just took me too long to slog through scenarios