15 reviews liked by ChoppyChips7

game of the year 2024 contender so far for me personally

JOSEF: My prince, before you stands the contemptuous wench who has been known to be stealing the lemons from our garden. It would be to your behest to relieve her head from her shoulders this instant
ALAIN: ....Though you may be a thief, I yet see in you a light that tells me you undertake your actions because you have people that you care for. I would see you renounce your lemon stealing ways, and join in with the Liberation, so that All people of this land might one day enjoy the fruits of their very own lemon trees

As a Granblue fan for many years, the wait was worth it. This game is extremely fun and despite the story itself being pretty much the JRPG of all time, the bosses were beautiful and the characters are gorgeous. The game uses some of the most addicting formulas from the Monster Hunter series and made it anime (God Eater is dead). With the endgame capturing 1% of the Grindblue Fantasy experience, there's so much to do and an extreme blast to play online if my friends weren't busy with Persona 3 Reload right now. Highly recommend, I love Cagliostro.

the most memorable bonding experience i had with my dad was playing this game with him but it's kinda tainted now because he cheated on my mom and divorced her

Honestly the most awesome I've ever felt doing platforming. Actually felt like I was using mechanics given to "jank" myself around the maps. The movement felt tight as hell.

I kept comparing it to what I think Mario games are like (I dont play them) and I was like "Damn, I probably like thsi more than Mario." I think the main thing is the game is structured like a Metroidvania and not in levels with multiple goals. If this game had some time limit objectives or other quirky bullshit I would probably hate it, but it doesnt! Just fun platformer movement and Metroidvania brain addiction.

Definitely wish there was a map of some sort because the areas don't super stick in my head (and I think i;m pretty good at that type of memory). There was some shit I knew I missed cause I just couldn't remember where shit was.

Anyways, dope as hell game.

This is a game where you'll either give up in frustration after you first lose or you'll let it consume the rest of your life.

In sound mind is like if you made Psychonauts into a survival horror kind of. I don't really think that it fits survival horror in my mind exactly, but probably is. I think the gameplay/flow is fun and engaging. The story is engaging enough but it doesn;t light my fire; its alright. The combat is kind of annoying I think; I resorted to just running up point blank and getting headshots that way, more satisfying and effective. The antagonist is a fun asshole who will constantly call you and insult you in almost childish ways; you can also return this energy by just hanging up on him. He will also just appear randomly in game subtly as like a jumpscare mechanic, even if it doesn't scare me, I think the way he is implemented is actually really good. (An example is you will hear footsteps behind you, turn around. He will be there, but instead of disappearing instantly, he will just say "get a move on"). That, and some other stuff (mannequins, wearing the hat) show the dev's are playful in a really fun way.

certified hood classic. my intro into taking fighting games seriously and taught me what i know today. game is fucked tho lmao

my favorite non-botw zelda game. love that little guy