Ratchet & Clank series ranked

I missed out on this series growing up, and didn’t ever start one of its games up until this year! The 2016 remake was free to play on PSN, and my cousin played it and said it was a lot of fun, so I gave it a shot. Man am I glad I did. The remake is a good, fun game, but it left me itching for more. The easiest step for me to take at that point was go buy the brand new Rift Apart, and I was HOOKED.

A few months later and here I am, with every(barring the mobile entries) game in the series beat, and multiple of them 100%. There are very few franchises that grab ahold of me like this, which tells you how awesome I think these games are.

All that being said, here is the series ranked from my perspective and a short blurb about each!

*Keep in mind that the way I rank games by star value, a 2 star can still be a fun experience

This isn’t a Ratchet game. It’s a poopy tower defense with a Ratchet paint job.
The only bad mainline game from the series. Short and forgettable.
A fun idea, better with friends.
From here on out I wonder consider all of these above average games, with Clanks adventure coming up short of the rest.
A very surprising adventure for the handheld!
All fighting, no adventure. And I’m ok with that!
Truly the most average of them all. Good game, but ends just as it’s gaining momentum.
My first game of the series, like many others. Good time, but less impressive after playing other titles in the series, namely it’s original counter part.
An exciting leap to the new gen!
A really solid sequel that corrected so many of the issues the OG had.
What started it all. I have it at a 3.5 star, but may change it to 4 eventually. Amazing game for its time.
The start of the big three. This is the game that, in my opinion, set the standard of the franchise.
The newest installment in the series, and a hell of an adventure! Looks, controls, and acts like a top tier game, because it is.
I may be in the minority, but this game has it all. It will take a near perfect game to come out to knock it off the top pedestal that it claims!


1 year ago

Surprised that Crack in Time beat out Rift Apart but only because I’ve heard more from you on Rift Apart. I’m excited to get through the series and see our similarities and differences.

1 year ago

It was by far the hardest decision on the list. But I stand by what I said in my review. If A Crack in Time came out today, with all of Rift Apart’s bells and whistles, it would be an easier decision. Crack in Time has it ALL.

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