Really drags it's feet in the latter half of the game, like the last few months just felt pointless which blunts the impact of the ending since it feel so abrupt. The first part is really engaging since it's a new world and lots of mysteries are being revealed but past that is just the story playing itself out which is fine but the novelty wears off at that point. The main reason I played this game was because I thought F!Byleth was hot lmao, oh I played blue lions btw

Ultimately more fun than BOTW but since the world is mostly the same the novelty of exploring is always undermined by the fact that you've most likely explored the same areas but with slight differences. This is also very apparent in the depths, I think it's cool conceptually how they designed it but after some time it feels like there isn't a point to exploring it.

The story is pretty good especially figuring out bit by bit what happened through the memories and just in general the execution of the last memory is really really good.

I ate all of the pink crystals mmmmm

I think I get it? Strange puzzles and story

Yes it is good and I refuse to elaborate

don't even remember playing this and I played it 2 minutes ago

Disassociates ha ha lol! Associates... Shlooooorp pop!

milk based gaming is the future