30 reviews liked by Clobbster

Fun game, eats time like no ones business because Eathan can't take his turn, and the turn timer stopped working

God of Snore Ragnarock Me to Sleep

i played this game.....
ACT II UPDATE: i played this game... again...

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Free Guy (2021)

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Original, not rated, review: The game is good, and objectively at least an 8/10 for having new nia content, but I genuinely don't know what to make of that last part. I spent 80 hours and I think the story became too fast paced after chapter 5, crazy.

Rated: My opinion remains that this game really only has the flaw of needing more time to develop its villains with maybe an extra chapter, when taken in the context of a standalone title. Now for a game advertised in a way of being a direct continuation/conclusion, it falters. This game just goes half way by providing the constant references to the previous games but misses on the payoff, as ultimately, the entire game basically never happens; so I fail to understand how that is supposed to progress the overall "xeno-story" in any meaningful way as Takahashi has stated. Now this game does have WAY more hanging plot threads than the past games (ignoring X, as monolith does), so there is potential that the DLC or a sequel could retroactively make the story's ending more palatable, but as it stands it remains mildly disappointing. Chapter 5 is probably the best chapter in the series though.

Really at worst a few aspects of this game can be described as "disappointing" at worst. The characters, combat, side content, and exploration are some of the best in the series though, which is like 95% of the game anyways.

I'm stuck on viewing this as equal to 1 and 2, or less. I'll probably like it more in the future the more I reflect but for now I'd put it slightly above X, mainly because on of those games has Nia and the other doesn't, but below the first two.

1/15/2023: I can safely say, this game is worse than 1 & 2, about same level as X. Thank you for waiting.

2/16/2023: I like this game less the more I think about it.
6/21/2023: Eh I like it a little more now.

It's hard to write a cohesive piece about the entirety of Hello Charlotte and its stupidly interesting overarching (meta)narrative- so I won't, for the time being, as I wait for my thoughts to crystalize into something coherent.
That said, I am decently confident in calling Heaven's Gate, the final entry in the series, an excellent addendum and extension of HC.
Unlike the "mainline" episodes, which continuously recontextualize themselves in order to expand the scope of the broader story and its themes, Heaven's Gate works off the subtext the same mainline games already provided and "simply" fleshes out the characters' lives and relationships further. This brief read contains a lot of emotionally impactful and thoughtful dialogue, even without taking the rest of the series into consideration.
This emotional maturity and self-awareness the characters showcase is, sometimes, almost excessive- but I think it is a very intentional affirmation of the author's own journey, which is a common theme in this deeply personal and unique series. Said journey is, and will never be, truly over - something this bittersweet story directly acknowledges through Vincent's characterization and the ending - but it's always important to remember how far you've come.
Shame about the lack of music, though.

starts out comically easy and gets hard as balls later on. first like 40 puzzles i did in like one day and the rest took me like a month and a half on and off

i dont often 100% these kinds of games but this one compelled me to so take that as you will. its pretty good