The Squad Mechanics of this Game are where it shines. It is a lot of fun to manage your swaud around and approach different scenarios how you see best. The Banter between the members also makes them fun and likeable. Overall the game has not aged to badly and is still a lot of fun to play.

Fun but and achieves what it set out to however some of the movement is so clunky and frustrating with an average story and 2 dimensional characters its nothing more than average to play today.

My most played game of all time. What can I say that hasn't already been said this game has no equal, i find it so hard to compare to anything else it gets its own area where nothing will be compared to it

I don't care if its my nostalgia speaking I love this game so much


As a kid i loved this although i believe if i went back to it today it wouldn't be anywhere near as enjoyable.

This game got so much better after they continued to fix it after the launch failure. To bad the story was below average.

This may be the best game i have ever played. The story is fantastic, the RPG elements allow for a lot of variety and honestly star wars content like this is where the franchise is at its best. I highly recommend this game to anyone thinking of purchasing.

I will forever be coming back to this game. It is perfect in so many ways I could go on and on but please just give this game a try it is the best.

Unfair to judge so many years after release but this game just felt very middle of the line.

This is the best of the uncharted games hands down

I was so disappointed in this game, but i understand that I'm now not the target audience. I believe lego games peaked at around LLOTR where there was an open world to explore but the levels were still the main focus of the games, i feel this game fell away from that and towards mindless busy work.

Top 5 games i've ever played. this game is the peak of the whole Witcher franchise, books, TV and games. It is beautiful and the story and characters are amazing. This game is iconic

I haven't played this in a few years but I have spent so much time in it honestly how could i not recommend it to people.

A very unique game I could definitely see myself coming back to in the future.

This game brought back so many memories of watching my parents play Sim City as a kid. There's so much going on and unless everything is going wrong it is a great game to chill out to and watch your city grow.