Repetitive but a staple of the Playstation 1.

Doesn't really improve much but also didn't need to. Not on board with voice acting changes. The fox lady was perfect as is. Italy is my favorite level. Similar to the Italian level in Hitman. Just can't get enough of rough housing the locals.

It doesn't get much better than this. Played the Paris level too many times to count. This is Assassin's Creed but for grown ups.

"The thinus waccoonus!"

Enjoyed but not peak Sly. Still getting it together. Never fully love a game that says shit like, "ok! So I press the action button to jump?? Alright!" Like ok sly I GOT THE CONTROLLER NOT YOU!

A cute appetizer. It sits nicely on my desktop. Knowing it'll never be opened again.

The best Rockstar title ever. Too bad they just make NFTs and DLCs now or whatever.

Don't remember this particularly introducing anything new just being another great beat 'em up. Think this had the doctor fellow.

Skate had real Rocket Power energy to him. The best of this series.

Game changed when you hit the button to have dude pull up with the rocket launcher.

He eat the food with big mouth.

I talk just like this narrator after three coke and tequilas. The peak of the Call of Juarez franchise. RIP, I guess.

Put this hunk of shit in a time capsule for it's early 2010s in gaming. Right next to that Kane and Lynch sequel.

Video game equivalent of a bad South Park episode.

Almost designed to irritate my in every way. From the slog intro to the karma system to the map layout. As soon as you get to the city it's loading screens upon loading screens. I've tried twice to get through this and I can't do it. You can't even properly aim a gun, your character just leans forward like who the fuck