the story mode is fantastic, online is ok if you forget about all the modders and trollers and griefers,

im being honest I have no idea why this game has so many high ratings. It feels clunky as hell to play, the character creation is extremely limiting despite what they made it sound like. Pretty much the only good thing about this game to me are the graphics. Other than that, it's literally just a bad version of Divinity 2. Please go play Divinity: Original Sin 2. That game is a masterpiece and is much better than this

worst game of the year, legitimately one of the worst games of the decade

2nd best lego game it has a big open world with notable locations from DC, a ton of characters, even a bunch of obscure and unknown characters. Fun story, character creation is great, the game has a lot of charm in its writing and easter eggs too

If you're creative you will have a fun time creating a theme park, there is so much to make and customize. However if you arent creative or you arent good with designing things then this game will be a nightmare for you because thats all it is
I am the latter

This game is ok, I didn't play it when it released but I played it recently on an emulator. So, maybe if I played it when it came out I would have a different opinion but now, compared to other games this game is just empty and boring. I feel like it was based on the mechanic of being able to climb and traverse bosses. This unfortunately doesnt save the game for me


the people who play this game are so brain dead retarded you would think they let their dog take control of the computer they're so fucking trash no matter what you do don't play this game with randoms. The graphics are shit and dated, the gameplay is awful and needs a rework. The old character models are disgustingly ugly and the announcers are extremely annoying. The only reason I could see people enjoying this game is if they suck at league/dota and they like mythology

Both games are amazing and well voice-acted you can buy the game for full price its well worth it


fuck zodiac signs, who's your favorite Furi boss

its cool for the first time you play but then theres not that much to do you get about 3 hours of playtime out of it and its $25

A phenomenal game really. Absolute masterpiece writing for the story, fun gameplay, amazing lore. Great soundtrack too which always helps. You can get the bioshock collection for really cheap so I definitely recommend getting that rather than just getting this game by itself. 10/10 game

Richard Steven Horvitz
