the only thing good about this game is the boost effects and momentum AKA the movement, other than that the rest of the game is terrible and sorry to say but the voice acting too

great soundtrack but annoying asf game

Short and Sweet game thats actually canon to the lore. Super cool LoL lore story on Nunu & Willump and other Freljordian Champions. The atmosphere is really amazing as you get to explore Freljord and listen to the nice music it has to offer. Speaking of music, you also get to play songs with Nunu's flute that can harness the power of the Svellsongur. Playing music is often used as a means to solve puzzles and also in nice rest areas like campsites to lighten the mood. If you're looking for an amazing story you unfortunately won't find it here, but it does well for how short it's able to tell it. And as previously mentioned this is confirmed to be canon so this is a nice short story surrounding Nunu & Willump, Braum, and Lissandra. And one last little tidbit, there are some easter eggs to find for League fans so thats something fun to look out for :)

Overall the game is a short and sweet tribute to Nunu & Willump and the rest of the Freljord and you will no doubt enjoy it if you like League of Legends lore, 3d platformers, or are just looking for a new story to get immersed in for a short while.

Better than the original in every way, except I like the original music better

coolest cast of characters in any video game with the coolest lore, also really amazing art and really amazing music. however the game balancing is shit with an even shittier community so it doesnt matter how good the art and music direction is the game is just in a bad state

just so fkng bad. did not feel like a pokemon game, obviously besides it having pokemon.

the graphics are shit, it performs like shit which is ironic because you'd think that with the graphics being so bad, it would actually run decent, the pokemon designs feel like they were designed by 10 different groups of people with different ideas which seems interesting but the issue is that they don't feel like pokemon, or at the very least they don't feel like they all belong/come from the same pokemon entry. the non-linear open world system is absolute garbage and was extremely displeasing having to go scavenge the world to complete the team star bases, gym battles, etc. speaking of the gym battles they were utter trash and didn't feel like gyms at all. there were no poke-centers just stupid little mobile gas station spots placed around the world. the animations as usual with 3D pokemon games were also lacking.

I can at least praise this game for having a great soundtrack, courtesy of Toby Fox, and an actual good story which honestly isn't surprising for a Pokemon game. other than that, this is the worst pokemon game of all time in every other category.

I played through the game on hard mode so I can't speak for how the game feels on easy, but the combat is super fast paced and engaging due to all of Ekko's mechanics like being able to rewind time, a slowly advancing projectile that you can speed up and empower and eventually comes back to you like a boomerang, a slow motion bubble that slows time in an area, etc, its all really fun and has a nice and short story. I like both 2D platformers and league of legends so this was a no brainer for me to pick up

its just another battle royale also its so horribly optimized it lags so bad anywhere and any time you load into a match

the shit version of Guilty gear Xrd Rev

garbage game the only thing that determines the winner of each round is RNG

decent gameplay but its filled with bots, cheaters, and extremely microtransaction oriented. The game plays and feels like mobile game because im pretty sure it is/was one. The core gameplay though as previously mentioned isnt bad but theres really nothing special about it, just your standard issue third person shooter battle royale. There are characters with unique abilities to set it apart from other third person battle royales, but obviously Apex Legends pioneered this idea way before anyway. It is free but its just not that much fun so why would I recommend a game thats not fun

roster sucks, characters look absolutely bizarre, world tour plays and feels like a low budget kickstarter demo, how did we go from legendary USFIV to SFV to this? wtf