The opening act of the game has the villain brainwash and kidnap nearly all your allies, leaving Morgana as the only person to talk to.
Gotta say, probably the best motivation to set things right in any of these games.

If you have the one girl from this anywhere in your steam profile all your games should cost three times as much

I swear this just spawned into existence one day and everyone started making fun of it. Like 0 trailers or prerelease hype despite belonging to one of the biggest IPs of all time. Like what the fuck?

Season looks promising so far. No NPC's on the map minus the ones you spawn in yourself makes a welcome change, and the new Greek Myth inspired areas look nice as well.

Although I gotta say Aphrodite and Medusa were done dirty. Compare the concept art to the actual in-game skins, it sucks. Really hope they become alternate styles in bonus rewards or something (he says as if he'll ever change from Goku to those skins anyway)

Real ones know the struggle of grinding for hair colour spray to make all your cartoon/anime characters authentic as possible.

Whoever made Mushroom Peaks probably deserves to get their programming ability and/or fingers forcibly removed but aside from that it's probably the best racing game ever made.

Hey bro check out this game I found, it's like a point and click adventure or something. No I don't think the grey aliens are from some other thing, must be something else you're thinking of, anyway check it out, it's decent.

Aw dude, you beat it? Nice one. Anyway I found some kinda prequel to it, it's a visual novel with a few interactive things on it, it's pretty cool. Needs a separate launcher tho, lemme download it real quick. missed the signs. The grey face paint and early tumblr discourse is flooding into you now. Don't fight it. You can't fight it.

You can't fight the Homestuck.

Watched a friend play this. He combined Paddy and Drunk to make Ireland then combined that with terrorism to get the IRA.


Now this is the 90s I love (I was born in 2002)

I urge everyone here to read Yandere Devs thoughts on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, it's genuinely hilarious

I don't care how good the game is or how it looks I'm not spending 40 euro on something that used to be a third of a 20 euro bundle a console generation ago

I feel the need to mention what many people considered the downfall of Pokémon started the moment they made France canon

"Man Shadow Okumura sucks ass."

"Oh wow look at the little Persona baby getting mad over a hard boss. Play nocturne and then we'll talk, okay?"

"Okay I played Nocturne, Shadow Okumura still sucks ass."

I know most people see this as the novelty game where it's an okay Mario mini game collection that for some reason or another has final fantasy characters in it. But I gotta ask, was the plan always to stop at the FF1 characters and a few notable enemies? Because I refuse to believe nobody at Nintendo thought "let's get Sephiroth on the court."