A game very near perfection. I feel the need to say that I haven't played much of the DS original, only getting halfway through the second area, but I feel like it's UI, harder gameplay and better endings will make it a better experience for me. But this version is still great. The gameplay is fun even if I prefer the mainline press turns or Persona's 1 more. But the exploration is amazing as well as the story, which deals with concepts such as radicalization and the price of utopia greatly, with all 3 standard endings being great. All of my flaws of this game come from the redux additions, with Alex being an interesting concept but executed through an annoying dungeon and updated endings that take a lot of edge from the original. Overall, a masterpiece, even if I will prefer the original once I finish it.

If I had a nickel for every time I got this on sale thinking 'ah, it's something to grind at a little between college work' only to sink dozens of hours into it and ignore my college work entirely, I'd have two nickels. Not a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

You see, I could mention 'flaws' in this game, like Macarons partner attack having a very short range and making any fight needing him more of a hassle, or the games constant goofy tone clashing in moments meant to be more emotional in some places, but then I remember that part where you fight hordes of killer robots with a guitar to the beat of Invaders Must Die by the prodigy and realise that excuses literally every issue I could have with this game

Seriously, go play this right the fuck now, genuinely one of the best games in terms of pure fun I've played yet

Honest masterpiece. exploring in this game feels great. There's always something new to explore and find, and slowly finding new weapons or creative ways to fight enemies without them is great. Every character is fun to talk to, as are the sidequests. A must for every switch owner

Mods 3DS
Downloads a bunch of critically acclaimed JRPGs like Chrono Trigger and TWEWY
Downloads this because a couple lists I looked at said it was good
Keep playing this because of how fun it and the other modes are while I still haven't started the games I modded the damn thing to play

Okay, this fucking game crashed my 3DS homebrew software twice while playing it. This shit is fucking cursed and I'm pretty sure if I complete it some wonder-of-U tier bullshit will just fucking kill me. Anyway I got to the final map and this it's not even that good. Map design sucks, dungeons are a stupid concept especially in the endgame when they get massive, and I REALLY began missing the outlandish concept of 'hit the thing 80% of the time when it FUCKING SAYS IT WILL HIT 80% OF THE TIME'
Anyway this shit some ass, nice job showing off your heroes money, intelligent system.

Heartbreaking: The bland looking characters from a series you know nothing about are actually the best characters in the crossover game

Haven't played and people say it's the worst Alex Kidd (for whatever that's worth, imagine Sega never made a new mascot and this doofus went toe to toe with Mario) but I just gotta ask why the Ninja has their feet out? Like that had to have been harder to draw than drawing two black ovals for shoes and calling it a day. Why are there the same impact effects around Alex's fist on one of the feet? Did Sega ask the artist for this? Did they just not say anything about the finished artwork when they got it? What do barefoot ninjas have to do with a so-called 'High-Tech World' anyway? Now that I've written all this I kinda wanna play this for the sole (get it?) purpose of figuring out what the fuck is going on with this box art.

Yakuza I love ya but we gotta talk about your addiction to having dudes with guns all over the place in the final stretch of every game, it's becoming a problem. If that was in the Kiwami 1 engine it'd probably be the most unplayable garbage in existence.

Also the main romance was fucking lame.

Everything else was peak tho.

OK, after my first log was a joke about Link getting assaulted by tentacles which became my most liked review by a mile, I've finished the game and am now ready to give an actual review.

Yeah, uh...it's a masterpiece.

If you're one of the people claiming '70$ DLC' then you're either wrong or have played some BOMB DLC in your past because this experience makes BOTW look like a tech demo. Pretty much every issue I had with BOTW is improved here from the new slip resistance you can build up to the main dungeons being wayyy better. Not to mention the insane shit you can do with the new mechanics such as fusing and building. I've only scratched the surface of this but you've probably seen the insane (and probably genital shaped) stuff people have been building with this on social media. The depths I'll admit weren't my thing because I really like seeing shit when I play a video game, Hyrule was still amazing to explore and ESPECIALLY the skies, fucking around on them kicks ass (Also I'm currently writing a webnovel that'll start publishing in a few months about sky societies wink wink nudge nudge) not to mention an overall higher quality of Shrines, I feel.

And the story is also great. Yeah, people prefer the more lonely nature of BOTW, and I get that. But I honestly loved the more upbeat tone and interacting with more people and helping them with sidequests. Not to mention the main story, where you see the progression of the BOTW cast and see them interact in new ways in a believably aged world.

Overall, it's what everyone expected. You really, REALLY owe it to yourself to play it.

See interesting looking ROM hack

Look inside


How does one of the greatest and most well thought games of it's time get THIS as a direct sequel? I don't consider myself overly critical of media, but this is one of only a few video games I downright despise. I feel the need to mention the few good things it does, however. Some of the worlds feel cool to explore such as Gormott and the lefterian archipelago, even if their status as smaller titans leaves them feeling disconnected instead of pieces of a larger whole like the first game. I also liked Morag and Zeke. That's basically it.
None of the initial characters are likable. Rex is an annoying character who feels like he comes from a crappy anime from a decade ago, with Pyra serving as generic Waifubait (guys she can cook and has giant boobs isn't that cool?) Nia's just kind of a bitch and not in an interesting 'there's more to her here' kind of way like Yukari in Persona 3 (there is more to her but it's not super interesting) and Dromarch who's just kinda there. Then there's Tora, a character who builds an underage looking girl it's implied several times he wants to fuck, and nobody pays any attention to this other than 'that's a bit weird.'
While the first game didn't have the best combat, it's dragged down in 2 dramatically by two things. 1: enemies having a shit load of health and 2: the blade system. Instead of getting new abilities with some crazy method like progressing through the damn game, enemies will drop core crystals that can spawn a new blade, which are like Stands from JoJo's if you removed literally anything cool about them. Most of the time you'll get absolutely useless blades, occasionally getting something decent (which will probably look like an anime girl catering to a weird-ass fetish) getting abilities that are actually good is almost completely RNG dependant, like a shitty free mobile game instead of something you paid 60 euro on. Every blade also has field skills, which are needed to access certain areas of the map. These take a long time to fill, as it individually cycles through every blade in your party that has the field skill needed, only speeding up after multiple failed attempts.
The story is also bland and predictable. I didn't enjoy many story beats revolving around the main 6 characters from the start (even if Zeke and Morag are actually good characters) The start of the game is also unbearable due to the sheer amount of tutorials, which are useless and you will skip, which leads to you skipping the 5% which are actually needed.
Overall, don't play this game. It isn't worth your time.

Absolute blast to play. A great cast of characters even if some have elements or running jokes that go on for too long (cough-Yosuke-cough) fun dungeon crawling gameplay and probably the only modern persona game to have a good main villain (royal too I guess but that was a rerelease) Great themes of self-discovery with social links that are greatly enjoyable and tie in very well to it. Only real flaw is the game's secret final dungeon which feels tacked on and doesn't really tie into anything. Highly recommended to any JRPG fan

You can make Goku marry Princess Leia

God fucking dammit this is part of me now