Great customization and fun characters mired down with uninteresting main maps (although there are some pretty good side maps) Pairing your units to make strong child units is a fun mechanic even if the overtones are kinda weird. A great entry level instalment of the franchise

Gameplay is fun with some nice presentation. Story drags on for way too long, however, and is made worse with the lack of any real way to skip cutscenes, only fast forward them. Also the first boss fight made me bring in Morgana as a healer so it loses points for that. Good if you want a bit of Persona fanservice, doesn't have much beyond that

Fun gameplay with some fun extras like Smash Run and trophy rush. Not really worth going back to for the main fighting itself when Ultimate exists, however.

Great title that doesn't quite match up to the original. First major issue is that getting the true ending is borderline impossible without a guide. Second issue is that characters feel more one note and anime-tropey compared to the first game, even if they're still likable. Third issue is that the added content doesn't change depending on ending like the first game, just assuming you got the true ending.
Gameplay wise, however, the game is great. It's basically the same as 1 but with more moves, demons and characters to mess around with, making team building super fun. The story, while not matching up to the original game, is a unique premise detailing a more capitalism vs communism narrative instead of the usual SMT God v Lucifer one, and explores the concept well.
Overall, while not as good as the original, it's still a great sequel you should check out

I guess you could say this game wasn't a HIT with me?
Get it?
It's because the hit rates are fucking awful

While I find myself enjoying the 'turn every franchise into warriors' thing with Zelda and Persona, I cannot say I enjoy FE warriors. It's basic musou gameplay without anything to add to it, with the roster also being basic and boring. In the lead up to this game's release, I was hoping for a Hyrule Warriors style celebration of the series with various characters from multiple games. Nope. Fates and Awakening, with 3 shadow dragon characters alongside Lyn and Celica, I guess. Can't recommend.

Fun roster, gorgeous art, cool story even if it never got a continuation. Highly recommend

As an alternate take on Three Houses, I really enjoyed it. (haven't played Dimitri's route at time of review.) While it has a lot of missed potential (Rhea fans crying as always) I enjoyed all the interactions between characters. Gameplay wise, it's another Musou. You probably know whether you like it or not already. But if you like either, I highly recommend

Decent map design. Good story, fun characters. Super easy game outside of the fucking ghost ship.

The best Pokémon game. Hands down.
The story isn't the reason you play a Pokémon game, but it's nice to have. N is the best Pokémon rival and watching his story is genuinely great. The gameplay is fun and a decent challenge, even if the main map is rather linear with some really cool areas such as Relic Castle. The new Pokémon are mostly great even if the starters are admittedly lacklustre. The postgame content is great, with an entire half of the map to explore with some old Pokémon returning. The soundtrack is easily one of the best I've heard in a game, using the DS hardware to it's fullest potential. A great game I wholeheartedly recommend

It's Pokémon Black and White again. While it doesn't reach the story heights, it's still a delight gameplay wise, especially with the world tournament. Highly recommend

What do you mean the cute singer chick is my cousin?

Great story, great characters, good map design. Only flaw is how slow the gameplay is, but other than that it's a great Fire Emblem experience

It's map design is mostly okay, which for this trilogy is saying something
Shame about everything else